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Standardized Pre Release Program Summary

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While looking over information trying to find the right program to discuss and give a brief summary about I chose the Standardized Pre Release Program. The program that is being discussed is a 65 hour mandatory core curriculum with another 15 hours that is just for pre release behavioral treatment as well. Which has to do with the inmate being able to function enough to see their family, and not act up again. A little more background on this program are the inmate that is being treated or in the classroom at the time does not meet the following requirements once that day comes they will not be released. You must qualify and pass all the components that were given out by the Department of the Prison. The program takes place in a class setting …show more content…
This phase is super important because everything that happens is out in the real world. The time you spend in prison is time for people to get their act together and to figure out what they want with their life. Throughout this phase there is a packet that is given to each offender that he or she must take if they want to proceed with this program. It is a Individual Pre- Release Packet, it gives the offender things that they can work on or even techniques to help when they feel they need to do something that is negative. The packet is a resource that they must fill out and prove that each day that they will work on things that are told they need to or that are in the packet. Each offender if they have special requirements are of course met in order to help them and must be addressed and followed up with the Unit Team Staff and a supervisor of some sort. The Unit team staff will be given all the information about the offender and will figure out what they can do to help them or get them ready in time for they release. While going through this program as well each offender that is in the class will be placed in the community where the Department feels that they are safe and wont going into the zone of getting into trouble. The offenders that are in this course can be either male or female but in this program that were being evaluated both sides of the gender are being …show more content…
People use programs in prisons as motivation and as a incentive it isn't just there to stare at and say you went its too be able to see the ones you love and also make up to the ones you hurt. Being able to cope with what you have done after being in prison for so long isnt easy, but yet getting back out isn't easy either because you have to put in the work at these programs and classes. Attendance is mandatory once you sign the dotted line agreeing to these terms. Another thing ill state again is not everyone gets out because they just aren't ready nor is it safe to put them in the community with others. As far as I know the Indiana Department of Corrections uses this program very well out in Westville, but the thing is other prisons offer programs like this its just not named the same. That's why i picked this certain program was because its located in our area and learning more about your surroundings is very good to know and how certain things are ran. The program is ran so effectively that even the hours for each class is broken up such as Health Class for 2 hours, Homework is 10 hours, Substance Abuse is 2 hours and etc.. More will be in the packet that I will hand in. These are general ideas to show that the program that they offer does help and will help if people

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