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Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey?

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In 1968, science fiction scribe Arthur C. Clarke and movie director Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey came to the silver screen. The movie wasn't a space opera like Flash Gordon or Captain Video, a series in which Clarke had served as a writer and consultant. Rather, 2001 was Kubrick and Clarke's unique vision that was unlike any other movie of its genre. Less than a decade after the film's release, Jacob Kurtzberg, better known as Jack Kirby, added his unique style to the motion picture and its universe in the comic book pages upon his return to Marvel Comics, the publisher for whom he had co-created such iconic characters as the Fantastic Four and the Incredible Hulk. This article will explore The King of Comics version of 2001: A Space Odyssey and how he brought it from celluloid to panel.
THE ODYSSEY'S HISTORY After making the 1964 film Doctor Stranglove, director Stanley Kubrick became fascinated with the possibility of extraterrestrial life. …show more content…
At the center of it all is the crew of the Discovery One, who undertake the mission to go to the Giant Planet. Doctors David Bowman (Keir Dullea) and Frank Poole (Gary Lockwood) remain awake while everyone else is in suspended animation. They must deal with HAL 9000, (voiced by Douglas Rain) the ship's sentient computer who is lying about the Discovery One's true mission. A cover story of an epidemic was given was given earlier in the film. The powers that be chose to hide the truth of the discovery of the monoliths. HAL, having killed most of the people on Discovery One, is deactivated and rebooted by the sole survivor Bowman. Upon landing on Jupiter, Bowman sees himself as an elderly man who is later on his deathbed touching a monolith that transforms him into the next stage of humanity, a star

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