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Human Sex Trafficking Research Paper

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The Internet's effect on Human Sex Trafficking

Does the internet have an effect on human sex trafficking? Human Sex trafficking is a form of slavery, they use many methods to engage in commercial sex acts against the victim’s will. 70 percent of human sex trafficking victims are found through the internet. The internet makes human sex trafficking easier and more accessible because people use different websites to sell people on the internet. Some sex traffickers use social websites to build this kind of trust with the victim, they promise them a lot of things and tries to lure them into doing something and they end up being a victim of human sex trafficking. There are many ways a trafficker uses to get the victims and to get them to engage …show more content…
70 percent of the survivors from human sex trafficking says that they were advertised on the internet. Human sex trafficking has been around for thousands of years, but every year the world’s technology is increasing and improving that being said since the internet has increased and improved human sex trafficking is rising too. When they are on these websites the trafficker takes a picture of the victim and advertises them like they’re some type of object, they eventually get sold. In 2008 the FBI found out that 2,800 ads of children were posted and put up on Craigslist to be sold. Many more websites have been used to sell people for human trafficking or to find victims for Human Sex Trafficking, like ,,,, ,,,, and etc. Without the access of internet these people wouldn’t be able to get sold off of these websites and they would have to find a different way to find their victims or sell their victims. Before the internet was so advanced many people found their victims through the streets. Since the internet has expanded and improved most of Human Sex Trafficking

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