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What Is Your Port-Infused Meringue Pudding Dessert?

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Words 174
Pages 1
In my family the port-infused meringue pudding dessert is very important because the recipe comes from generation of generation. This dessert is a Peruvian dessert This very sweet dessert was one of the most important ,dessert of Peruvian cuisine: suspiro a la limeña. This tells the story that the dessert was named by a writer and Peruvian poet José Gálvez who, when testing a sweet prepared by his wife Amparo Ayarez, who had a reputation for great Cook, was delighted with its taste and texture. According to the Chronicles of the time, Jose said the preparation was "soft and sweet" like the sigh of a woman. The recipe used by Ayarez contained peanut, yolks of eggs and meringue with syrup. The peanut arrived from Spain to the Peru. It was

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