...CHAPTER-1 1.1 Introduction: Financial institutions are investment intermediaries linking the savers and users of fund. These intermediaries are interposed between the ultimate borrowers and lenders permitting them efficient transfer of funds. Individuals having surplus funds can lend them for reasonable return to entrepreneurs who need funds to take the advantage of economically and financially viable investment opportunities. The existence of financial institutions facilitates such exchange of resources. As a result, both the borrowers and lenders are better off than they would have been without financial institutions and market intermediaries. Thus, these financial institutions, such as banks, have a positive role in financing and investment which is a multidimensional process involving the complexity of many interrelated and interdependent factors of diversified nature. It is difficult to assess the contribution of each factor independently. The key to successful banking lays in the ability of balance many activities simultaneously. The bank must maintain a healthy growth rate, while at the same time it must take action to minimize the risks it faces. The bank must also maintain enough cash on hand to meet obligations. All of these are related to sound performance of a bank. Evaluating Bank Performance, examines the basic risk and return features of commercial banks. The financial performance evaluation demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses of bank performance...
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...SUMMARY OF MASTER CIRCULAR ON EXPOSURE NORMS INTRODUCTION As a prudential measure aimed at better risk management and avoidance of concentration of credit risks, the Reserve Bank of India has advised the banks to fix limits on their exposure to specific industry or sectors and has prescribed regulatory limits on banks’ exposure to individual and group borrowers in India. In addition, banks are also required to observe certain statutory and regulatory exposure limits in respect of advances against / investments in shares, convertible debentures /bonds, units of equity-oriented mutual funds and all exposures to Venture Capital Funds (VCFs). Banks should comply with the following guidelines relating to exposure norms. Purpose This is a summary on Master Circular providing framework of the rules/regulations/instructions issued by the Reserve Bank of India to Scheduled Commercial Banks relating to credit exposure limits for individual / group borrowers and credit exposure to specific industry or sectors, and the capital market exposure of banks. Definition of 'Credit Exposure' The total amount of credit extended to a borrower by a lender. The magnitude of credit exposure indicates the extent to which the lender is exposed to the risk of loss in the event of the borrower's default. Credit Exposures to Individual / Group Borrowers • Exposure to a single borrower not to exceed 15% of bank’s capital funds • Exposure to a group of borrowers not to exceed 40% of capital...
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...PROJECT REPORT ON {Commercial Credit Appraisals} “It Revolves around Character, Collateral & Capacity” FOR {HDFC Bank} BY () Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management ATHARVA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Marve Road, Charkop Naka, Malad (W), Mumbai 400 095 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the Project titled "{Commercial Credit Appraisals With HDFC Bank Ltd}" submitted as a part of the study of Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) is my original work. The Project has not formed the basis for the award of any other degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles. Place: Mumbai Date: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that () has completed the Project "{Commercial Credit Appraisals}" under the guidance of Prof. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management for the academic period 2009-11. Signature of the Guide Signature of the Director Place: Mumbai Date: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and extend my thanks to all those whose help and guidance made this endeavor successful. I extend my sincere thank to Shri Sunil Rane, Executive President, Atharva Education Trust; Shri N. S. Rajan, Dean...
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...TASK 1 An employer’s obligations to his employee regarding pay are that an employer must administer pay, deduct taxes and pay benefits to their employees, employers must administer PAYE, National Insurance (Class 1 and 1a), Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), Statutory Paternity Pay and student loan deductions. An employer must provide employees with an itemised pay statement and pay employees with an itemised pay statement and pay employees in full at an agreed time. Employers must provide paid holidays for all workers, and pay men and women equally for equal work. Should a situation arise where an employer can not provide work they must pay ‘guarantee payments’. An employer must provide paid paternity and paid maternity leave to qualifying employees. An employer must pay employees at least the minimum wage prescribed by law. TASK 2 An employer can employ a 15 year old youth but only for certain hours and jobs. A 15 year old can not be employed in places such as a factory or industrial site. There are local bylaws which list the jobs that children can not do. These bylaws may also have other restrictions relating to working hours and conditions or require an employment permit. As an adolescent a 15 year old employee is entitled to two days rest each week and 12 hours rest in any 24 hours hour period. They must not work during school, before 7am or after 7pm, and are entitled to a break of at least 1 hour after working 4 hours. During term time a 15...
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...period of time. Employment contract is that form of contract for personal service which the courts recognize as expressing the social relationship of employer and employee, as opposed to the other relationships. ESSENTIAL FEATURES: The essential features of contract of employment are * offer * acceptance * consideration * competent parties * legal object and * free consent. LITERATURE REVIEW NATURE OF CONTRACT EMPLOYMENT A contract of employment also contains various other terms and conditions to which both employee and employer are bound. A breach of such terms and condition will repudiate the contract. The terms and conditions are regarding wages, status designated, place of working, timings, list of benefits to be given during employment, restraint of trade, if any etc. Another important condition is regarding the settlement of disputes between the employer and the employee. The terms and conditions must be provided to the employee before or at time of signing the agreement, so that he can understand the terms he is going to be bound by. After reading all the terms and conditions of the agreement, it should be signed by both the parties. A subsequent notification will indeed amount to modifications in the original contract and will not bind the other party unless he has assented thereto....
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...Letter of Submission To The dean Faculty of Business studies Department of Business Administration Premier University, Chittagong Subject: Submission of the term paper Sir, It gives me immense pleasure to submit my term paper on “Application of Accounting Standard” of “Bank Asia limited” which was assigned to me as a fulfillment of the degree “Bachelor of Business Administration”. I tried to extend the report to a successful one. In this case I used my knowledge gaining at the time of my graduation. While making this report I came across many experiences and I used all of my experience in making the report. Despite several constraints, I gave my all efforts to make this report a meaningful one. I hope you will get the report as informative and accept my report. Sincerely yours, Acknowledgement At the very beginning of my report, I would like to pay my worship and gratefulness to the praiseworthy Almighty Allah who graces me to accomplish this report. I would like to offer my gratitude to our honorable Dean Sir, Prof. Dr. Milan Kumar Bhattacharjee, who gave us the opportunity & also for his kind supervision and providing necessary guidelines in preparing this report. I am also thankful to Ali Arshad Chowdhury, Lecturer of “Premier University” , faculty of Business Studies. Who helped me in abundant conducts to make this report more meaningful. Finally, I thank all the persons who have directly or indirectly contributed...
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...3. Classification of Financial Instruments lassification of financial instruments and identification of their nature is one of the most important phases for compilation and presentation of monetary statistics. Like other classifications used in monetary statistics, it is also advisable here to follow international standards that would help to make statistics comparable across countries’ and ensure its unity. In carrying out classification, there will be a need to consider features of a country’s banking and financial system paying a due regard to their development prospects. C Financial instruments are financial contracts of different nature made between institutional units. These comprise the full range of financial claims and liabilities between institutional units, including contingent liabilities like guarantees, commitments, etc. Financial asset is defined as any contract from which a financial claim may derive for one party and a financial liability or participation in equity for another. Financial instrument can exist only between two institutional units. Where financial instruments are compounded, i.e. represent a set of several instruments, for compilation of statistics there will be a need to distinguish them into separate instruments so that each of them includes only a single pair of institutional units. Financial assets are contracts that do not contain contingency, i.e., irrespective of any conditions, generate financial claims having demonstrable value...
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...------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INTRODUCTORY PART 1.1 Introduction: Every Financial Institute irrespective of its size is generally exposed to market liquidity and interest rate risks in connection with the process of Asset Liability Management. Failure to identify the risks associated with business and failure to take timely measures in giving a sense of direction threatens the very existence of the institution. It is, therefore, important that the strategic decision makers of an organization assume special care with regard to the Balance Sheet Risk management and should ensure that the structure of the institute’s business and the level of Balance Sheet risk it assumes are effectively managed, appropriate policies and procedures are established to control the direction of the organization. The whole exercise is with the objective of limiting these risks against the resources that are available for evaluating and controlling liquidity and interest rate risk. Asset Liability Management (ALM) can be defined as a mechanism to address the risk faced by a bank due to a mismatch between assets and liabilities either due to liquidity or changes in interest rates. Liquidity is an institution’s ability to meet its liabilities either by borrowing or converting assets. Apart from liquidity, a bank may also have a mismatch due to changes in interest rates as banks typically tend to borrow short term (fixed or floating) and lend long term (fixed or floating). A...
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...AB Bank Limited BCIC Bhaban 30-31 Dilkusha Commercial Area Dhaka 1000 AB Bank Limited _____________________ Auditors’ report and consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 S. F. AHMED & CO Chartered Accountants House 25, Road 13A, Block D, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh Telephones (880-2): PABX 989-4346 & 989-4258 Others 881-6467 & 881-5101 Fax (880-2): 882-5135 E-mails: (i) sfaco@citechco.net (ii) sfaco@sfahmedco.org Website: www.sfahmedco.org Auditors’ Report to the Shareholders of AB Bank Limited We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of AB Bank Limited (“the Bank”) and its subsidiaries, namely, AB Investment Limited, AB Securities Limited, Cashlink Bangladesh Limited, AB International Finance Limited and AB Exchange (UK) Limited which comprise Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2011 and Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and Liquidity Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management considers necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud and error...
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...Insurance By Ms. ANERI SHAH ROLL NO.88 K.J.SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS, & COMMERCE, VIDYAVIHAR (EAST), MUMBAI-400077 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms.ANERI SHAH of B.com. Banking & Insurance Semester V (Academic Year) 2012-2013 has successfully Completed Project on “A STUDY ON BANK AUDITING” under the guidance of PROF.SONALI DEOGIRIKAR (Mrs.SMITA DAYAL) (Dr.SUDHA VYAS) Course co-ordinator Principal INTERNAL EXAMINER EXTERNAL EXAMINER (Mrs. SONALI DEOGIRIKAR) Project Guide DECLARATION I, Ms. ANERI SHAH the student of B.com - Banking & Insurance - Semester V (2013-2014) hereby declares that I have completed Project on “A STUDY ON BANK AUDITING”. Wherever the data/information has been taken from any book or other sources have been mentioned in bibliography. The information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge. Student’s Signature Ms. ANERI SHAH (ROLL NO.88) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On the event of completion of my project “A STUDY ON BANK AUDITING”. I take the opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude towards all those people without whose guidance, inspiration, & timely help this project would have never seen the light of day. Heartily thanks to Mumbai University for giving me the opportunity to work on this project. I would also...
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... Financial System Financial Institutions Banking System Non-Bank Financial 1. Bank Negara Malaysia Intermediaries 2. Banking Institutions 1. Provident and Pension • Commercial Banks Funds • Finance Companies 2. Insurance Companies • Merchant Banks (including Takaful) • Islamic Banks 3. Development Finance 3. Others Institutions 4. Savings Institutions Financial Market Money & Foreign Exchange Market 1. Money Market 2. Foreign Exchange Market Capital Market 1. Equity Market • Discount Houses • Representative Offices of Foreign Banks • National Savings Bank • Co-operative Societies 5. Others • Unit Trusts • Pilgrims Fund Board • Housing Credit Institutions • Cagamas Berhad • Credit Guarantee Corporation • Leasing Companies • Factoring Companies • Venture Capital Companies...
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...Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio Commercial Real Estate Financial Companies Regulation Bill Foreign Direct Investment Investment Company Inter Corporate Deposits Infrastructure Finance Company Initial Public Offering Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Joint Parliamentary Committee Know Your Customer Loan Company Liquidity Coverage Ratio Lender Of Last Resort Micro Finance Institution CME CoR CP CRAR CRE FCRB FDI IC ICD IFC IPO IRDA JPC KYC LC LCR LOLR MFI 3 M&A NBFC NBFC-ND-SI Mergers and Acquisitions Non Banking Financial Company Systemically important Non Deposit taking Non Banking Financial Company Deposit taking Non Banking Financial Company Non Deposit taking Non Banking Financial Company Non Banking Financial Institutions Non-convertible debentures Net Owned Funds Non-Performing Asset Over-the-counter Public Financial Institution Priority Sector Lending Reserve Bank of India Residuary Non Banking Company Return on Assets Return on Equity Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Scheduled Commercial Bank Securitisation and Reconstruction Companies Securities and Exchange Board of India Statutory Liquidity Ratio Small and Medium Enterprise NBFC-D NBFC-ND NBFI NCD NOF NPA OTC PFI PSL RBI RNBC RoA RoE SARFAESI SCB SC&RC SEBI SLR SME 4 CONTENTS Section Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Annex I Annex II Introduction Particulars Page Numbers 6 9 18 23 28 35 45 46 48 52 56 59 65 75 77...
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...A REPORT ON DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: COMMERCIAL BANKING INDUSTRY OF BANGLADESH Date of submission: 24th August 2015 Submitted to Farzana Lalarukh Associate Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Submitted by SL Name BBA ID Remarks 1 Sifat sadia 17-003 2 Barna Paul 17-047 3 Maghla Hossain 17-061 4 Saima Sultana 17-069 5 Nawsina Arif 17-085 Department of Finance University of Dhaka Date of Submission: 24th August, 2015 Department of Finance University of Dhaka Letter of Transmittal August 24, 2015 Farzana Lalarukh Associate Professor Department of Finance University of Dhaka Subject: Submission of Report on depository institutions: banking industry of Bangladesh. Dear Madam, It gives us enormous pleasure to submit the report on Depository institutions of Bangladesh as per the Advisor’s instruction. We expect this report to be informative as well as comprehensive as per requirement. Working with such a topic was an inspiring experience for us. We believe that the knowledge and the experience we gathered will facilitate us a lot in our future career life. With our limited knowledge, we have tried our level best to prepare the report worthwhile. Your acceptance and appreciation would surely inspire us. For any further explanations about the report, we will be gladly available to clarify the ins and outs. Sincerely, Sifat Sadia Roll no. 17-003 On behalf of Group...
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...certificates of deposits and other types of commercial borrowings. The major risk a bank runs is liquidity risk. Under any circumstances a bank has to honor its commitments. As a result, it has to make sure that enough liquidity is available to meet fund requirements in situations like liquidity crisis in the market, policy changes by central bank, a name problem of the bank etc. So, a bank’s balance sheet should have enough liquid assets for meeting contingencies. Here, I can introduce with the theoretical development of asset liability management from the different aspects of The City Bank Limited. Then I can show their policy and statements regarding to the managing their assets liabilities and then I have shown their liquidity analysis through the external analysis to assess their recent market condition. The whole analysis part is undergone from 2004 to 2008. In this analysis part I have analyzed different ratio related to liquidity management so that liquidity position of CBL can easily be assessed. Then I have shown the maturity model from 2004 to 2008. In this analysis CBL’s weighted average assets and liabilities are compared. Here we can see that except 2004 the bank’s assets’ weighted average maturity always higher than its weighted average liabilities’ maturity. Then I also analyze the ratio related to assets’ quality of CBL. Then I have performed the statistical analysis. In this part I have shown trend analysis on loans & advances, deposit and net liquidity gap...
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...system is structured into two major categories, Financial Institutions and Financial Market. The Financial Institutions comprise Banking System and Non-bank Financial Intermediaries. The Financial Market in Malaysia comprises four major markets namely: Money & Foreign Exchange Market, Capital Market, Derivatives Market, and Offshore Market. Chart 1: The Financial System Structure in Malaysia Financial System Financial Institutions Financial Market Banking System 1. Bank Negara Malaysia 2. Banking Institutions • Commercial Banks • Finance Companies • Merchant Banks • Islamic Banks 3. Others • Discount Houses • Representative Offices of Foreign Banks Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries 1. Provident and Pension Funds 2. Insurance Companies (including Takaful) 3. Development Finance Institutions 4. Savings Institutions • National Savings Bank • Co-operative Societies 5. Others • Unit Trusts • Pilgrims Fund Board • Housing Credit Institutions • Cagamas Berhad • Credit Guarantee Corporation • Leasing Companies • Factoring Companies • Venture Capital Companies Money & Foreign Exchange Market 1. Money Market 2. Foreign Exchange Market Capital Market 1. Equity Market 2. Bond Market • Public Debt Securities • Private Debt Securities Derivatives Market 1. 2. 3. Commodity Futures KLSE CI Futures KLIBOR Futures Offshore Market 1. Labuan International Offshore Financial Center (IOFC) 5.2 Banking System The banking system consists of Bank Negara Malaysia...
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