...ECOFORUM [Volume 3, Issue 2 (5), 2014] WHAT DO WE KNOW FROM EPRG MODEL? Krzysztof DRACHAL Warsaw University of Technology, Poland k.drachal@mini.pw.edu.pl Abstract The aim of this paper is to present the fundamental ideas behind EPRG model. They are discussed with some illustrating examples. Moreover, some attention is drawn on the evolution from one orientation to another. In particular, the geocentric orientation is widely discussed. General Electric is studied in more details as a particular case of the geocentric orientation. Finally, some non-market dissertations are presented, on how geocentrism can evolve and some threats to the public interest are sketched. Key words: corporations; EPRG model; General Electric; geocentrism; internationalization. JEL Classification: F23, F60, L20, M14, M30 I. INTRODUCTION EPRG model, sometimes called also EPG model, is used in the international marketing. It was introduced by Perlmutter (1969). The strategy of the organization is characterized by three factors: ethnocentrism, polycentrism and geocentrism. Hence, the original name - EPG. A little later, Wind, Douglas and Perlmutter (1973) extended this model by another factor - regiocentrism. The extended model is known as EPRG model, in short. This model aims to identify the orientation of the organization. The strategy can be differently oriented, indeed. As a result, costs and profits are generated in slightly different ways, depending on the mentioned kind...
Words: 5142 - Pages: 21
...ECOFORUM [Volume 3, Issue 2 (5), 2014] WHAT DO WE KNOW FROM EPRG MODEL? Krzysztof DRACHAL Warsaw University of Technology, Poland k.drachal@mini.pw.edu.pl Abstract The aim of this paper is to present the fundamental ideas behind EPRG model. They are discussed with some illustrating examples. Moreover, some attention is drawn on the evolution from one orientation to another. In particular, the geocentric orientation is widely discussed. General Electric is studied in more details as a particular case of the geocentric orientation. Finally, some non-market dissertations are presented, on how geocentrism can evolve and some threats to the public interest are sketched. Key words: corporations; EPRG model; General Electric; geocentrism; internationalization. JEL Classification: F23, F60, L20, M14, M30 I. INTRODUCTION EPRG model, sometimes called also EPG model, is used in the international marketing. It was introduced by Perlmutter (1969). The strategy of the organization is characterized by three factors: ethnocentrism, polycentrism and geocentrism. Hence, the original name - EPG. A little later, Wind, Douglas and Perlmutter (1973) extended this model by another factor - regiocentrism. The extended model is known as EPRG model, in short. This model aims to identify the orientation of the organization. The strategy can be differently oriented, indeed. As a result, costs and profits are generated in slightly different ways, depending on the mentioned kind...
Words: 5748 - Pages: 23
...Chapter 1: Expanding abroad Voorbeeld MNE: Intel, Unilever, Samsung, McKinsey Starbucks Vb. blz. 3 toont aan dat de invloed van MNE op de wereldeconomie gigantisch is. MNE stellen enorm veel mensen te werk en volgen vaak een zeer complexe strategie. 1. The MNE: Definition, Scope and Influence Wat is een MNE – multinational ( multinationaal management) Niet alle MNE zijn groot, maar de meeste grote bedrijven in de wereld zijn MNE. zijn Men is alleen een MNE als men aan deze voorwaarden voldoet: 1. Directe investeringen doen in het buitenland. MNE doet niet alleen aan export, maar is ook écht aanwezig in het buitenland. Ze voeren er directe investeringen in door vb. te produceren in het buitenland. 2. Actief met de investering bezig zijn (vb. aanwezig zijn in de RvB) 3. Geïntegreerde operaties (geen losse filliaaltjes) Dit betekent ook dat de operationele omgeving sterk verandert, de complexiteit stijgt. ekent omgeving Veel verschillende consumenten, distributiesystemen, … Ook de politieke agenda van de landen waarin we investeren speelt een belangrijke rol. Global game: men speelt wereldwijd waardoor alles complex wordt. Binnen de EU spelen de wisselkoersen geen rol meer maar daarbuiten wel, dit kan een belangrijke invloed hebben op vb. de winst. Ook organisatorisch is de omgeving complex. De meeste MNE zijn vrij recent (na WO II) uitgegroeid tot internationale spelers. In totaal zijn er wereldwijd zo’n 70 000 bedrijven van dit type. De toegevoegde waarde van grote...
Words: 29103 - Pages: 117