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Steam Engine Research Paper

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When looking at the world at night from the sky we can see how far humans have come in harnessing and manipulating energy, which is so vital to our existence. We use energy to build houses and buildings which protect us, we use it to power our modes of transport, and we use energy that we get from food to power our bodies. With the work of three scientists humans were able to harness and manipulate energy and use it. Gottfried Leibniz and Denis Papin exchanged several notes on the idea of a living force. More than one hundred and fifty years after Leibniz and Papin there came the steam engine, which could accomplish tasks that hundreds of men could not. Then came a French scientist named Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot, who reinvented the idea …show more content…
The steam engine had no limits and was getting tasks done that were previously unimaginable. Steam engines would do more than change our world; it would uncover the more about the truth of Leibniz’s living force, and revile more about how the universe works. Steam engines played a large role in the everyday life in British society. Although the steam engine was so powerful and vital to the everyday life, there was still much confusion on how they really worked, there were few who really understood the nature of the steam engine. What is energy? Many people in this time were still wondering this question. These scientists were able to explain the idea of energy because it is what makes us walk and breath and also helps us make sense of the universe. They also uncovered that the universe harnesses energy to create everything that can be seen around the world. Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot was able to uncover the truth about the steam engine and also developed a new science in the process; the science of heat and motion called

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