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Stella Jones Case Study

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Stella-Jones Inc. is a North American producer and marketer of industrial treated wood products, specializing in the production of railway ties and timbers as well as wood poles supplied to electric utilities and telecommunications companies. The Company also provides treated residential lumber products and customized services to lumber retailers and wholesalers for outdoor applications. Other treated wood products include marine and foundation pilings, construction timbers, highway guardrail posts and treated wood for bridges. The company has treating and pole peeling facilities across Canada and the United States and sells its products primarily in these two countries.

The company operates within one business segment, the production and sale of pressure treated wood and related services but has four different markets which are 1. Railway Ties 2.Utility Poles 3.Industrial Products and 4.Residential Lumber.

Railway Tie sales are approximately 55% of total sales of the company. Stella-Jones is one of the largest producers in North America. Canadian railways have for many years made the company the leading vendor of this …show more content…
The wood utility pole is a basic component of the industrial infrastructure of North America. It is common throughout the continent in both urban and rural environments, supporting the lines that carry electricity and telecommunications. Millions of these poles are bought every year, either as replacements for worn poles or for installation along new transmission and distribution corridors. The company’s key competitive advantage is its expertise in wood preservation which enables it to treat poles to withstand the most challenging environments. It can also fill orders of almost any conceivable length and because it has a continental network of plants it has the capacity to supply large volume users on a regular basis as well as meet large orders during peak periods of

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