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Rotating Patterns

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Rotating Shifts and Health Concerns

In the law enforcement and the correctional work environment, the schedule that these men and women work is either permanent or rotating shifts. Rotating shifts can cause health concerns and is very stressful on the mind and body of these employees. I have worked on both a permanent and rotating schedule and can attest to the effects this type of work has on one’s body. Personally, I feel more energized and overall healthier on a regular schedule.

Research Questions

1. What are the main health concerns with rotating shifts and the effects on one’s body?

There are many concerns with working on a rotating basis, mainly depending on the

how quick are the shifts rotated? “Shift work disorder is a sleep disorder characterized by sleepiness and insomnia, which can be attributed to the person’s work schedule” (Anbazhagan, Ramesh, Nisha, & Joseph, 2016, p. 35). Anbazhagan, Ramesh, Nisha, and Joseph (2016) conducted a descriptive study on random sleep samplings to determine to hazards of shift work disorder. Bourdouxhe, and Queinnec (1999), in another study, showed that workers suffered from chronic fatigue, health problems, and a disruption of social and family …show more content…
326). This not only leads to work production being lower but also concerns with home life. Szosland (2010) states that shift work messes with one’s ability to regulate their sleep, wake schedules, and fasting, feeding causing many medical problems. While there are many disadvantages, many employers think that rotating shifts allow for the ability to remain in contact with their employees. My current employer used this as a reason for the rotating shifts while not thinking about the loss of employees due to sickness and quitting as they cannot adjust to the grind of rotating

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