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My Antonia Research Paper

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At some point in everybody’s lives they will receive advice from friends. Often advice administered by friends has been quite excellent and developed from personal experience, and it should be taken seriously. However, there are people in the world who like to discover lessons the difficult way, rather than taking the word of others. For example, a person will advise another person, not to read My Antonia, because it is a boring drab story like most books written a long time ago, despite once being great and well-received (people’s interests change over 100 years). Furthermore, the person receiving this advice may be slightly stubborn and read the book anyway, and that person will find out for themselves how awful the book truly is. My Antonia was not a good book, it was in fact a very awful and boring book. At no point in the story did it ever become interesting or exciting (a common theme in many of these stories). Furthermore, the overall story of its completion is one of the most stupid and pointless story arcs ever. Also, the characters (another common issue I have with older literature) are not interesting at all. My Antonia was one of the worst books ever, and it should be burned in a fire for being so terrible. The first issue with My Antonia has been the level of interest to the story. The story is so …show more content…
There are a lot of names thrown around in the book that a reader may get confused about. Furthermore, there are so many characters, and the book seems to find it difficult to get the reader invested into any of them. Much like the fact that Jim is just another average person with a rather simple and boring life, all of the side characters are also simple and boring. Finally, a reader may often find that at no point in the story will he or she become attached to a character, leading to an even more boring

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