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Bull Kelps

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Introduction: We investigated the pattern (zonation) found on the Rocky Shore. We used translit lines to take samples of the species found in each area as we moved up the shore from low tide to high tide. We investigated the organisms bull kelp, barnacles, moss weed and Limpets to describe the pattern of zonation at the rocky shore. The rocky shore main abiotic factor is tidal movement.

The first organism we investigated at the rocky shore was Bull Kelp. Bull kelp is mostly found in the subtidal zone, low tide zone at the rocky shore. Bull kelp have many important adaptations to keep them alive in their habitat, they have a strong foot on them which helps them to clamp onto rocks tightly which prevents them from getting sweeped away from the strong waves and die. They also have little air pockets in their structure which help them to float up to the surface of the water during high tide in order to get sunlight for photosynthesis which gets them their nutrition to stay alive. One of the main physical adaptations that Bull Kelp have that no other seaweed does is their honeycomb structure which makes it supple and the flexibility prevents them from not getting crushed by strong waves in their environment. As Bull kelp get their nutrition and food through photosynthesis, they don't have any competition with other organisms to find prey. Bull …show more content…
Zonation is the distribution of plants or animals in specific zones. You can clearly see that distribution pattern is zonation at the rocky shore because as you go from low tide to high tide and move further up the rock surfaces,organisms become distributed according to the biotic and abiotic factors. Bull kelp is only found near low tide as it can't be out of water for too long whereas Limpets and Barnacles are distributed in all areas of the rocky shore because they are not affected as much by tide, but less Limpets are found further up near high tide

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