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Real Job Interview Research Paper

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This mock interview experience gave me an insight of what a real job interview would be. This experience wasn't exactly fun or entertaining but it was interesting, educational, and inspirational. It was interesting because it wasn't what I thought it would be, it was educational because she explained to me that you should always stay on top of your game and don't fall back because when you get held back it stops you from moving forward towards your career, and it was inspirational because she inspired me to follow my dreams because if you believe you can do it, you can achieve those goals with actions upon it. What made it so easy for me to respond to her in a good manner was she gave me a comfortable environment that made me feel that I wasn't …show more content…
I really enjoyed Ms. Brown because she knew where I was coming from and what I was trying to say. This experienced helped me in so many ways. It helped me understand what type of conversations that may go on in a real job interview, to be yourself, making connections helps the interviewer understand what you are talking about, and being interested is very important because it shows how you are individually. Your overall appearance, behavior and language, speaking clearly, not moving constantly, making eye contact, answering the questions thoroughly, and asking them questions afterwards is very important also because the interviewers wants to know how interested, how bad you want this job, and they want to know what will you do to do what it takes to be hired for the job altogether. This interview made me realize that you don't have to pressure yourself so hard about a job interview because if try your best to respond to the questions that are given and ask them questions they will see that you really put an effort into this interview and want the

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