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Unit 12 Human Services Case Study

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Question 2.
Identify at least two major human service work roles you most likely will be performing (direct service, engagement, interviewing, case management functions, advocacy, organizer, etc.) while at field placement. Define and discuss the specific tasks associated with each role and what skills you will need (or be using) in order to perform these roles successfully/
I decided to complete my second practicum at the same location I was assigned last semester. The name of this organization is ProAct. ProAct is an acronym that means Philadelphia Recovery Organization Achieving Community Togetherness. The first role I believe I will be performing at this organization is direct service/engagement. At the start of the year; I was asked to …show more content…
Those that I have used with the assistance of a staff members has been planning, helping skills, motivation interviewing, and evaluations. Helping skills have been used in the computer lab with the Gateway to Work program. Some individuals that come to the organization haven’t used a computer in years. They require assistance logging on, retrieving information, and building a resume. Planning is also another skill-set that is used at the facility. ProAct is constantly planning events to bring together the community and those in need. I have sat in on several committee meetings that helped plan all of the events that are sponsored by ProAct. The Recovery Walk, MLK Day of service and the annual holiday party are just a few of the many events traditional at ProAct.
Lastly, motivation interviewing is a skill set that I use and have witnessed in many group settings at ProAct. Using the OARS method during these sessions allows the service user to open up while receiving affirmations of their current situation. Reflecting and summarizing allows the client to correct the facilitator if there was a misunderstanding of the situation, but also lets the service user know that the facilitator is listening and is with them to assist in their …show more content…
I’ve learned that training is a necessity. The learning activities at ProAct would be the vast training class that they offer. During my first practicum I sat in many groups and was asked to facilitate a group before being trained. I was both uncomfortable and concerned. It wasn’t until I took the facilitators training that I was able to grasp the concept and feel confident to facilitate a group. I plan to attend any and all trainings that the organization offers. I plan to speak up and ask questions of my superiors if there is something that I’m unable to address or if I lack the skill set of a specific topic. Continuing to learn and grasp new concepts allows me to assist the service user properly and

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