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Muslims Vs 9/11 Essay

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9/11: Americans vs. Muslims
There are seven billion people in this world. That equals seven billion unique minds and ways of thinking. It is not a surprise, then, if a major conflict, conflicts such as terrorism were to happen. Indeed, there have been hundreds of terrorism acts in America alone, but none as hard to forget as the 9/11 Tragedy. The 9/11 Bombing Tragedy is still, until today, one of the most devastating tragedies in America, killing over 3000 people in four plane-crashes. It is amazing, really, how much damage only 19 terrorists can cause in no more than two hours. The 9/11 may have happened in just a mere couple of hours, but the relationship between Americans and Muslims is now forever torn because of both fanatic Muslims followers …show more content…
These Muslims believe that only their belief is right, hence they believe that everyone should be a Muslim. A particular Muslim group, which is also the group behind the 9/11 bombings, Al Qaeda, went as far as wanting to get rid of all American influence in Saudi Arabia and eventually, take control of the secular states in America to make them Islam-based. According to Bin Laden, “It is a duty of Muslims around the world to wage holy war on the U.S., American citizens, and Jews” (Hayes 1). They call this “jihad”, which means to struggle in accomplishing their duty -spreading Islam- even if it might risk one’s life. However, Jihad cannot be accomplished if they have no power and control. Thus, they saw the freedom of the United States citizens as a threat and “[did not] want the United States to spread those freedoms to other countries” (Pressler 1). Jihad became the motivation for the series of attacks in 9/11, and although it was meant for a good cause -so that Islam could grow to become a stronger religion- it was misinterpreted and used as a purpose for a purely evil act; terrorism. It is okay for someone to have a strong faith on his or her belief, but it should not interfere with others’ rights to live in

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