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Personal Narrative: A Career In Real Estate

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An anonymous person once said, “Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with responsible care, it is the safest investment in the world”. Real estate is a very competitive business, and at the start of the research paper all I knew about the business was realtors buy and sell houses. In reality they do so much more, from buying and selling houses to acting as a mediator between negotiations. What I wanted to learn from this research was how realtors get into the business and how to do the job successfully. The first place that I looked for information about my career was the MS Choices website. Next, I searched the occupational outlook Handbook website. Finally, …show more content…
Also in all states, real estate agents must be licensed. Licensing requirements vary by state, but most have similar basic requirements; candidates must be eighteen years old, pass an exam, and complete a number of hours of real estate courses. The wages for this career start low, but steadily increase, as a realtor acquires more experience. The average annual starting wage in Mississippi starts at $38,140, and the entry annual wage in $17,490, but with experience, time and care, the average annual wage can go from $38,140 to $71,390. This is a huge jump, and it is very easy to acquire experience. With this in mind, I then started to research the schools that have training programs and different levels of degrees for this career (MS choices), (Occupational outlook …show more content…
Through doing this interview I can tell helping people is a real passion of Amanda’s she mentioned several times throughout the interview how she loved to make peoples dreams come true through finding the perfect house for them. She listed several qualities a realtor has to have including; determination, patience, and a love for helping. The last question I asked was overall do you like your profession? She answered with yes, very much so it is fast-paced and she said “she loved to interact with her community”. Through doing this interview I learned real-estate is not all about “buy-sell”, it is about getting to know clients, and making their dreams come true,

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