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Amelia Earhart Research Paper

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Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, attempted to fly a Lockheed Model 10 Electra 2,556 nautical miles from Lae, New Guinea to Howland Island on July 2, 1937. However, the two did not arrive as planned. It is known that “Earhart and Noonan took off from Lae in the heavily loaded Electra,” (Source: Amelia Earhart's Circumnavigation Attempt).
Not to mention, those who witnessed the take off “reported that a radio antenna may have been damaged,” (Source: Amelia Earhart Biography).
In addition, the radio equipment that could broadcast radio radio signals farther distances were left behind in order to allow more room for fuel onboard. This plays an immense role in the succeeding circumstances as Earhart had trouble communicating over the radio. Additionally, Earhart’s navigator, Noonan, had extreme difficulty with celestial navigation due to the extensive overcast conditions. It was, also, later discovered that the flyers were using maps that may have been inaccurate. This, too, plays a role in future events as Earhart and Noonan have difficulty locating their destination. To assist with their landing, “the United States Coast Guard cutter Itasca was on station at Howland, assigned to communicate with Earhart's Lockheed Electra 10E and guide them to the island once …show more content…
However, recent discoveries, such as those made in May 2012 and October 2014, suggest that Earhart and Noonan landed on an uninhabited island in the southwestern Pacific. Discoveries came from “several on-site investigations that have turned up artifacts such as improvised tools, bits of clothing, an aluminum panel, and a piece of Plexiglas the exact width and curvature of an Electra window,” (Source: Amelia Earhart Biography). “In October 2014, it was reported that researchers at The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) identified a fragment of Earhart’s plane” which was found on Nikumaroro

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