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Spotted Owls: Conserving The Environment

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1. Over time the policies have gone from focusing on using the seemingly limitless resources to conserving them. As history progressed, people began to realize that resources were not as limitless as they seemed and they began to develop ideas on the usage or conservation of resources. There are three main thought processes, Anthropocentrism which means that humans come first and they will only conserve resources if it's beneficial to the human race. The second is biocentrism and this concern only wanting to protect a certain aspect of the environment, for example the spotted owls, regardless of the benefits or cost it conservation may be brought. Lastly is ecocentrism this focuses on finding the right balance between conservation and the usage …show more content…
The next two viewpoints are quite similar however there is a big distinction. Moral is a person’s feeling of duty towards a part of the environment, whereas aesthetic is the preservation of nature because of the beauty it brings.
2. The age of change stemmed from the country realizing that what they were doing was having a harmful impact on the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was put into place by Nixon, due to popular public interest in improving environmental quality. The EPA writes rules and regulations to protect the environment and the organisms living inside of it. The creation of EPA symbolized the government’s recognition of the environmental problems and the beginning of their intervention. Some of their policies include the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. The Clean Air act was put into place to regulate air emissions and to reduce them to reduce the amount of air pollutants. The Clean Water Act regulates the quality of surface water and waste being dumped into the waters. These were enacted due to severe environmental hazards, for example the Cuyahoga River Fire, was a major event that spurred people into action. The creation of the EPA was groundbreaking because there was nothing similar …show more content…
5. Consumer choice in the marketplace greatly influences businesses and corporations. The consumer’s level of demand for a product influences the amount of production of the product. If there is a low demand for a product there will a small supply of the product and it will be more expensive since there are few producers of the product. However, if the demand for the product is high, there will be more producers of the product and the price will be lower. Thus making the sustainability option easier to afford and easier to get a hold of. The only issue is that in order to bring the price down and get more producers a large number of buyers have to be willing to invest money into becoming sustainable and that is something that most people really cannot be bothered to do.
6. Green infrastructure is making housing more efficiently by using less energy and better ways of reusing resources so that it is not as wasteful.By starting with building greener infrastructure in poorer areas of the United States and other countries, it allows the underclass to have adequate housing that is good for the environment. One of the biggest obstacles in going green is the fact that it is so expensive

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