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Food Dye Research Paper

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Food dyes are used in many common foods. There are some food dyes that are banned, some that people are allergic too, and some that ADHD kids cannot have because there is suspicion that it may cause hyperactivity. I wanted to research this to see what grape drinks people can have that has the least amount of dye in it. Some food dyes, or food colorings, are banned from the United States and other countries. These food dyes consist of FD&C Orange No. 1; FD&C Red No.32; FD&C Yellows No. 1, 2, 3 and 4; FD&C Violet No. 1; and FD&C Reds No. 1 and 4. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency of the United States federal government that tests, inspects, approves, and sets safety standards for foods, food additives, drugs, cosmetics, and household medical devices. Many countries with the same food coloring controls, like Canada and Great Britain, also banned the use of Red No. 10 and Yellow No. 5 is also always undergoing test. In the 1970s, a soviet scientist claimed a link between the dye and cancer. The U.S. test proved some correlation as well. It was never linked to death or illness, but the substance was banned from the United States in 1967. Some people are allergic to food dyes. A dye called cochineal dye, also called carmine, is not harmful to most people, but there have still been reports of patients having …show more content…
Claims have been made by a link between the Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s food dyes and to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The Macaroni & Cheese Company says that they will soon be free of all artificial food coloring. On the Kraft’s website, it said that their motivation to pull the food dyes is costumers that are demanding for natural food. The FDA has done test on Kraft’s food coloring and they say that all though artificial food dyes are safe, there has been research studies that have found that dyes can contribute to hyperactive behavior in

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