...CLAIM: President Bush’s veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act in July of 2006 was a proportional reaction to the expanding influence of conservative political ideology and religious fundamentalism throughout America. VARIABLES: My independent variables are conservative political ideology and religious fundamentalism. My dependant variable is President Bush’s 2006 veto of the Stem Cell Enhancement Act, also known as the H.R. 810 Bill. EXPECTATIONS: I expect to find overwhelming and convincing evidence to corroborate my assertion that the expanding influence of conservative political ideology and religious fundamentalism in America are the two most profound independent variables to affect President Bush’s 2006 veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. I also expect to obtain convincing evidence that political conservatism and religiosity have an interactive effect on the public attitude towards stem cell research which directly influences federal policy concerning this controversial issue. It is my contention that the preponderance of evidence will confirm my theory that as the level of conservatism and religious zeal rises; the public support and enthusiasm for stem cell research will wane proportionally, resulting in federal policies that continue to be restrictive and obtuse. EVIDENCE THAT SUPPORTS THE CLAIM: With the advent of technology and subsequent advances in human stem cell research, the scientific and medical communities were inspired...
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...world in science and technology. American technology has produced advances in many areas of medicine. As this medical research continues, there has controversy between advancing medicine through testing and preserving life. In the United States and around the world, there have been debates and laws created which demonstrate the controversy in stem cell research. One of the main debates is that stem research can be used to discover cures for illness. Many experts believe stem cell research can be used to help against diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer (Lacayo, 2001). However, many people worry that stem cell research will be used for unethical purposes such as human cloning. They also argue that money from the government should not be used to destroy a human embryo. In the United States and around the world there have been many laws regarding stem cell research. President Bush was the first President that made funds available for stem cell research. (Bush, 2007). According to the National Institute of Health, a government biomedical research organization, President George W Bush announced in August, 2001 a policy which advances stem cell research. Federal funds may be used for research on human embryonic stem cells if the following three requirements are met: 1) the destruction of the embryo must be prior to August 9, 2001, 2) stem cells were removed from embryo for the purpose of reproduction, which “was no longer needed.” 3) the donor had informed consent...
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...Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has played a vital role in modern-day society. This research has done many things that will change mankind forever. How can stem cell research be explained and described? Furthermore, there are many benefits of stem cell research, and unfortunately, there are many disadvantages of this research. Additionally, this has caused many ethical debates of whether the use of stem cell research is right or wrong. All of these statements and questions will determine how stem cell research shapes the future. To begin, how can stem cell research be explained and described? In this type of research, people discover how to fix imperfect tissues. Additionally, researchers study how embryonic stem cells can develop into many different types of tissues. Stem cell research began when Jamie Thomson and a group of people from a college made the first embryonic stem cell. Because of him and his team, the research has developed into something even larger. Now, stem cell therapy is used to treat many diseases such as diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease. “It had long been believed that adult tissue does not...
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...Research paper on Stem Cell Research Legislation and the related legal issues: What is the history of Stem Cell Research Legislation in the United States? How does it compare to comparable statutes in the rest of the world? In this paper talk about what the current legislative state of affairs is and where the law on stem cells in the United States should go in the future and why. Make sure you use ample research and cited sources to support your arguments but make sure to state your own opinion on the issues as well. Stem Cell Research TJ AS OF: 2/4/2009--Introduced. Stem Cell Research Improvement Act of 2009 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct and support research that utilizes human embryonic stem cells, regardless of the date on which the stem cells were derived from a human embryo. Limits such research to stem cells that meet the following requirements: (1) the stem cells were derived from human embryos donated from in vitro fertilization clinics, were created for the purposes of fertility treatment, and were in excess of the needs of the individuals seeking such treatment; (2) prior to donation, it was determined that the embryos would never be implanted in a woman and would otherwise be discarded; and (3) the individuals seeking fertility treatment donated the embryos with written informed consent and received no financial or other inducements. Requires the Director of the National Institutes of...
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...may have heard of stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells have the amazing ability to theoretically grow back any body part. They have the potential to morph into any of the 220 cell types found in the body (Robinson 1). It has the restoration power capable of reestablishing functions of the body as well, such as eyesight. The drawback to stem cell research is that it requires baby fetuses to acquire the material. Stem cells differ from other cells in the body, as they are capable of dividing and rebuilding themselves for long durations of time. This is unlike muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells. They are not able to replicate themselves, while stem cells can do it many times. This means that if stem cells are kept in a laboratory over a long period of time, they can yield many other stem cells. Another property of stem cells is that they are unspecialized, meaning that they do not help with anything in the body. For example, they are not able to help the heart pump blood in the body. However, stem cells can become heart muscle cells and blood cells, which could do that function. A third property of stem cells is that they become specialized cells. This is called differentiation, when the stem cell morphs into a cell that will have a specific function in the body (Robinson 1). In the last five years, China has increased its research funding greatly in the field of stem cell research. They have been focusing mainly on bone marrow and embryonic stem cells. China has already...
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...to God that one day she will be cured. With future research of stem cells, she can be cured. Stem cells are a large focus of research in today’s biomedical society. Stem cell research should be supported and funded by the United States. It is important for us alal to be informed with the reasons why stem cell research should be supported because it can save yours or someone you loves life in the future. Today I want to share with you all the background of stem cell research, the benefits of it, and how it can advance modern medicine. So what exactly is a stem cell you may ask? A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to turn in different specialized cells. The reasons why scientists have such a high interest in stem cells is because with the right practice these cells have the potential to cure diseases such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, and can even be used to help treat patients with cardiovascular diseases. These cells are typically extracted from a four-day-old human embryo. Although embryonic stem cells are an essential focus and vital factor in finding cures for many diseases, unfortunately there are criticized aspects to stem cells as well. In order to obtain these cells the human embryo is destroyed. This causes a huge controversy in today’s political society and raises the question if stem cell research should be funded or not. While there are many people that are pro stem cell research, on the other hand many people are against it. Religious...
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...STEM CELL RESEARCH AND THERAPYAND ITS IMPACTS ON SOCIETY Abstract There are several types of stem cells being used in stem cell research and therapy today. They are embryonic, adult and induced pluripotent stem cells. Each will be discussed further. This topic has stirred much moral, ethical and political debate as whether cells from fetuses should be used in this research. This impacts governmental policies on laws and funding. Another issue that must be analyzed is the economics and who should have access to this treatment. The views of people and government on this research differ greatly across the world. There are countries that have very strict laws restricting this research while others take an extremely liberal stance. Stem Cell Research and Therapy and Its Impacts on Society Introduction Stem cells are the basic unit of life that gives rise to all living things. They are the undifferentiated cells that transform into the specialized cells that make up all of the tissues in organisms. With further research and understating, these cells can be used in medicine to cure a wide range of diseases. The most important type of stem cell to humans is the pluripotent stem cell which is usually obtained from human embryos. This has sparked controversy in many aspects of human life. In this paper, we will concentrate on animal and human stem cell research, and its impact on society. A Brief Description Of The Technology And An Explanation Of The Associated...
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...(B.Theseis) Stem cell research can benefit those who have been burned in a fire accident or were born with one or more genetic defects. (C.Organizing Statement) The reasons why stem cell research are good and can be shown by the description of stem cells, their benefits, and the history and possible future of stem cells. (Topic #1)Knowing the description of stem cells is very important because then you are able to know where they come from and what they are. (Evidence) Cells are a basic unit for life and also have specific functions in the human body. (Commentary) Every human body has nerve cells, brain cells, and skin cells just for that one job. (Evidence)Stem cells are capable of renewing themselves by dividing and are unspecialized. Meaning that they do not have a specific job. (Commentary) Since stem cells are unspecialized, they are capable of taking the job of another cell. (Closing Sentence) Some of you are thinking who care about stem cells, but stem cells are important. They can help disease research and management, and save other people’s lives. (Topic #2) Knowing the description of stem cells is good, but knowing their benefits tells you why they are important. (Evidence) Stem cell offer the help to those who are on a transplant waiting list. (Commentary) Most people who are on a transplant waiting list die before they are able to get a transplant. Stem cells can reduce the quality of what a patient looks like and their mortality. (Evidence) Stem cells can also help...
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...Stem Cell Research One topic or issue that has been and still is considered to be the most controversial not only in the USA but in many other countries across the world is stem cell research. Personally, I have mixed views about stem cell research. Considering the knowledge that I currently have about stem cell research, I can say that I am definitely in support of it. On one hand I can understand the controversy and views associated with those who are opposed to the research and use of stem cells. Many of the anti-stem cell research advocates have more of a major issue with the source of the stem cells rather than the method of research used. Stem cells are found throughout the body and are capable of regeneration and transforming into any one of the body’s numerous cell types. Majority of the stem cells used are from adult tissues and referred to as the adult stem cells, or somatic cells, which are derived mostly from blood, bone marrow, and the skin. The other types of stem cells also being used are the umbilical cord stem cells, amniotic fluid stem cells, and embryonic stem cells. The most versatile and controversial of all the stem cells are the embryonic, which are also believed to be more promising for studying, treating and curing diseases. The controversy associated with embryonic stem cells are the simple fact that they are derived from embryos which were developed and donated for research purposes by a donors who signed consent for the eggs to be fertilized...
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...Stem Cell Research Recently, there has been quite a lot of controversy among the media regarding the topic of stem cell research, its pros and cons, but what is this controversy really about? The term “stem” cells can be compared with another much known term: “differentiated” cells. The importance they bring to the humankind is that of the hope of new medical advancements being deposited into these cells because of their amazing capability to develop in almost any type of cell. For example, spinal cord cells that have been injured or neural cells in our brains that may have a certain type of disability would now be treated with these stem cells. Or, when talking about cancer, a disease that is nowadays affecting lots of people, especially women, stem cells can replace those cells that have been destroyed by the chemotherapy or the radiation, having the ability to be perfectly adapted to the affected area, whether it is the liver, lungs, breasts, or almost any part of the human body. What is so wonderful about these cells is that it does not matter what kind of injury or disease a person has, thanks to the remarkable properties of stem cells, now dead cells belonging to almost any type can be replaced with new and vigorous cells that will ensure the wellbeing and well functioning of the human body. Among the significant benefits that stem cell research can bring in the economic and social levels for individuals as well as for the society itself, figures the hope that it would...
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...the first stem cells from human embryos created by the use of IVF (“Stem Cell Basics: Introduction”, 2002). It was this discovery that set off an unrelenting debate over the practice of not just embryonic stem cell but stem cell research in general for almost the next two decades. Those who oppose embryonic stem cell research find it unethical because the destruction of a human embryo is necessary. Others opponents are under the assumption that stem cell research can lead to human cloning (“Myths and Misconceptions”, 2011). Many people do not fully understand the benefits stem cell research holds for common diseases of today’s world. Furthering of stem cell research is important for modern medicine and the treatment of illnesses. A common misunderstanding against stem cell research is that all stem cells are taken from embryos. According to the article, “The Ten Great Myths in the Debate Over Stem Cell Research” stem cells can be taken from umbilical cords, the placenta, amniotic fluid, adult tissues and organs such as bone marrow, fat from liposuction, regions of the nose, and from cadavers up to twenty hours after death. Cloning is another opposition against stem cell research. What many opponents do not realize is that The National Academy of Sciences and...
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...Is Stem Cell Research Ethical? Reginald Lawrence Is it ethical for stem cells for the advancement of medical research? In the 1800s it was discovered certain cells could generate other cells. The 1900s brought upon more research in using stem cells. The ethical issue surrounding embryonic stem cells research arises because human embryos are destroyed in the process. I believe that the benefits outweigh the negatives and that a greater good can come out of using embryonic stem cells. The treatment of diseases and illnesses continually grows and improves. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to help rectify or even cure disease and illnesses that are thought to be incurable. However, the ethical battle over the sanctity of life rages on. Stem cells can be compared to the building blocks of the human body. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, they can develop into any other type of cell in the body. They are extracted from a cell before they differentiate. They have the capacity to make any of the 200 different cells in the body and can also self-renew or reproduce themselves. Currently, there are 89 stem cell lines, a family of constantly dividing cells, registered with the National Institute of Health (NIH). The first line was discovered in 1998. In 1996 Congress passed the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, which put restrictions on federally funding embryonic stem cell research if the embryo was created to be destroyed. In 2001, President Bush implemented guidelines to...
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...Harvesting Embryonic Stem Cells Harvesting embryonic stem cells can be an argumentative topic with differing opinions. I believe by researching and experimenting on embryonic stem cells, the results can be beneficial to society through medical treatments. I believe this research will benefit medical science into further advancement. The human body contains more than 220 differentiation cell types that are acquired from a collection of cells that are referred to as embryonic stem cells. Furthermore, these cells originate from an embryo, within the inner cell mass of a blastocyst that is known to be five days old. Moreover, these cells are classified to be pluripotent, which can individualize inside any three layers of the germ. Thus, embryonic stem cells are able to reform relatively any part of the human body. In addition, these cells are capable of cloning endlessly. As a result, these cells can benefit in medicine for both regenerative medicine and medical research. Regenerative therapy is the process of reconstruction or substitution of new tissue developed with the supervision of embryonic stem cells caused by obscured and impaired tissue from a disease or injury. Therefore, when the stem cells are injected into the patient’s body, those cells locate to the injured area and begin to diffuse and expand by renewing the injured cells; thus, recovering the bodily functions in that area. A few of the illnesses that can be treated through the help of embryonic stem cells are genetic...
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...Embryonic Stem Cell Research In 1998, the world was introduced to the start of embryonic stem cell research. It has since been the topic of a heated debate between politicians, religious figures, ethicists, theologians and scientists. It raises the question of whether or not the ends justify the means. Many people seem to have a different answer to this question but the overall response from a Catholic position, from an individual and Catholic Church standpoint is loud and clear: embryonic stem cell research is immoral. The sanctity of life is held in high regard in the Catholic tradition, therefore making embryonic stem cell research morally wrong. To justify this, it is important to consider whether or not an embryo is a human from perspectives that are for and against this research, and their justifications. Whilst there is no united Catholic view, drawing from traditional ethics and Catholic principles can give an estimate of the overall Catholic perspective on the treatment of human embryos as opposed to the foreseen medical benefits on the other end of the spectrum. In a broad sense, the use of human embryos is unjustifiable and wrong in the eyes of the Catholic community, no matter how promising the benefits are as it involves the killing of an embryo, and thus by extension, can be regarded as murder. “We value the preciousness of life…as far as IVF embryos are concerned, those who have the responsibility make those decisions, have already made an important ethical decision…the...
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...Ethical Conflicts in Stem Cell Research Stem Cells research presents social and ethical concerns when it uses human embryos. In embryonic stem cell research, the early embryo has to be destroyed in order to obtain embryonic stem cell. And for some people, it means destroying a potential human life. From the utilitarian viewpoint, the benefits of stem cell research are greater than the ethical issues of destroying embryonic life, the end justifies the means. However, President Bush said, “While we must devote enormous energy to conquering disease, it is equally important that we pay attention to the moral concerns raised by the new frontier of human embryo stem cell research. Even the most noble ends do not justify any means,” and he vetoed embryonic stem-cell bill in 2006. A possible solution to the dilemma is in the latest research of adult stem cells that can be isolated and developed. With more successful research on the adult stem cells, “there may be no reason whatsoever to use embryonic stem cells. (1).” And also, researchers have discovered a novel reprogramming method of adult cells to create embryonic stem cells without embryo in 2014 (2). Embryonic stem cell research is unethical that destroying an embryo is like killing a child. Many believe that embryonic stem cells are living cells with a potential for life. But supporters argue that embryonic stem cell research can be used to find the cure for diabetes, heart disease, spinal cord injury, and Parkinson’s disease...
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