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Steroid Abuse Research Paper

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Dangers of Steroid Abuse

1. Research question

What are the dangers of steroid abuse?

This research essay is intended to warn people, especially teenagers, who are planning or already are using steroids about the dangers of steroid abuse.

2. Introduction

Steriods are man made substances that are similiar to the hormone testosterone found in males. Doctors often prescribe them to treat problems such as delayed puberty. They make muscles bigger and bones stronger. One's consumption of steroids has to be monitored or else it will lead to serious health issues. Which leads me to my research essay topic; what are the dangers of steroid abuse?

As I have stated before, steroids are man-made or synthetic substances that are very similar to the …show more content…
Some athletes consume steroids because they fear that their training is not sufficient enough to help them succeed. Nowadays steroids are easily accessible, people can get them at grocer shops (Checkers, Spar, Shoprite etc), gyms, the internet and through mail orders.

Secondly, using steroids in the sports world is a form of cheating. Steroids create an unfair advantage for the people who use them. By using them, athletes break the social contract they have agreed to that states that they promise to always have a fair contest.

Steroids do have their advantages such as increased muscle definition, increased weight, strength, effetiveness of training and an improved recovery rate. The disadvantages of sreroid abuse outweigh the advantages. The disadvantages include; mood disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, liver disease, cancer, a decreased sex drive, baldness, muscle cramps and infertility.

The abuse of steroids amongst teenagers seems to have decreased, but the use of steroids has not decreased. People have become aware of the dangers of steroid abuse. I think the idea of steroids stems from the pressure to look like their favourite celebrities and to fit in with the crowd, socially, and not only to enhance their

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