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Cognitive Development: Video Game Analysis

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Benefits of Cognitive Development While Playing Video Game
Erick X. Rivera
Western Governors University

An action game, for example, may require you to be very aware. It requires you to be able to move your joystick or keys while looking at the various features on your screen such as energy levels, oncoming adversaries, ammunitions left, available time among other factors, all which are vital to winning. This ensures that the player can observe and react accordingly to all requirements of that particular game. Online gaming allows many players to participate in any certain game at the same time. This allows there to be a level of communication between the players which in turn results in the development of meaningful as well as casual relationships …show more content…
“Video Games: Research, Ratings, Recommendations. ERIC Digest.” ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education Champaign, IL. November 1998. Web. 25 Apr. 2018.
Chiappe, Dan, Mark Conger, Janet Liao, J. Lynn Caldwell, and Kim-Phoung L. Vu (2013). “Improving Multi-Tasking Ability through Action Videogames.” Applied Ergonomics 44:278–84
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Franceschini, Sandro, Simone Gori, Milena Ruffino, Simona Viola, Massimo Molteni, and Andrea Facoetti. 2013. “Action Video Games Make Dyslexic Children Read Better.” Current Biology 23:462–66.
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