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Social Media Violence, Video Game Controversies

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Although technology has paved the way for a newly incorporated society, questions remain about its effects of media on humanity. Social Media Violence, Video Game Controversies. Child Development, Mental Health, and Youth Behavior have all been concerns pertaining to the convenience of our peer groups. The world’s common persona is perceived as though big media affects teenage decisions, their standards of appearance and personality, communication, and the advantages and disadvantages of their lifestyle. The 21st century Media contains elements that could obtain either a positive or negative influence on our younger generation.

As you all know, Social Media portrays violence indirectly and directly through common platforms used by today’s youth. A local newscast entitled “ABC News” aired a story where they interviewed a Chicago citizen who revealed how sites were used to promote violence. For Example, Gangs use sites to produce threats against others and rival gangs or as an opportunity for membership openings. Deaths and violent operations have been caused because of these brutal acts. Also, Meta-analyses of these baleful results of violent media prove that youth who observe these types of media have ranging anti-social behaviors. According to the Social Cognitive …show more content…
We all know exposure to media messages is a part of modern life, but you can help your child work out what’s worth paying attention to. Mental health misrepresentation in entertainment media can fuel stigma which leads to discrimination. Media that romanticizes or features graphic acts of violence, especially self-harm and suicide, may trigger imitative violence, causing copycat acts. Media that accurately depicts information can be compelling and it makes it respectful. It’s unnecessary to rely on entertainment value and It is possible to strike a balance between informative and engaging

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