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Eating , Substance Abuse


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Eating, Substance Abuse, Sex/Gender/Sexual, Impulse Control and Personality Disorders Paper and Matrix
Kristen Brown
Psy 410
February 7, 2010
Kristi Lane

Eating, Substance Abuse, Sex/Gender/Sexual, Impulse Control and Personality Disorders Paper and Matrix
Eating Disorder Eating disorders have been linked to many biological components such as genetic factors, hormonal and neurotransmitter abnormalities, and damage or abnormalities to certain structures in the brain. Research conducted on twins has shown that genetic factors play an enormous role in whether one will develop an eating disorder. Many individuals who have eating disorders also seem to suffer from other disorders that have genetic factors involved. Eating disorders have been linked to people who also have obsessive compulsive disorder. Individuals who have hormonal or neurotransmitter abnormalities tend to have no control over their eating habits. People who have hormonal abnormalities tend to have unlevel amounts of hormones related hunger. Bulimia nervosa is linked to low hormone amount of the hormones that suppress appetite cause the individual to feel excessively hungry. The reverse is the case for anorexia nervosa. Endorphins play a key role in the body’s feelings of pleasure and people who suffer from eating disorders tend to have endorphins secreted when they are completed measures to prevent weight gain such as self-induced vomiting. Lastly, some people who have been diagnosed with eating disorder have been found to have smaller brain structures. All of these components keep the disorder propelling ahead. Therefore it is very important to treat this condition from the inside out. These individuals don’t feel that they are beautiful and that is what needs to be treated.

Substance Abuse The theory that explains the biological approaches to substance abuse is the self medication. Within this theory, it is stated that people who abuse substances do so because they need to compensate for the negative feelings and unpleasant emotional state.
Sexual Dysfunction and Deviance There are many biological factors that can affect sexual function. Physical and mental conditions and medication can affect sexual arousal, performance, and functioning.
Personality disorder There are many biological components that can affect whether a person develops a personality disorder. These components include damage or under-development of the brain, a predisposition due to genetics, and deficiency in normal anxiety disorders. Many personality disorders have been linked to genetics. This applies to both normal and abnormal personality traits. There has been research conducted on temperament ,which is a personality trait that is present at birth, indicating that both a child’s biological predisposition can overall influence temperament.
Eating Disorder The emotional components of an eating disorder come into play because the person wants the perfect body image. The body image that they are trying to reach may or may not be physical possible or may be very difficult. The result of these realizations can cause emotional instability that can lead to these disorders.
Substance Abuse Substance abuse can be a very emotional thing to go through. Many who are abusing a substance are beginning to see the negative consequences of their actions. Many people lose their job, families, and support systems. They are generally on the brink of hitting rock bottom. This can cause them great distress.
Sexual Dysfunction and Deviance There are is one emotional component that affects sexual function. The greatest component that affects sexual functioning is performance anxiety. This anxiety can affect arousal, function, and performance. It generally is fueled by cognitive aspects such as psychological hang ups and emotional response. Cognitive
Eating Disorder According to Hansell and Damour (2008), “general emphasizes rigid and maladaptive beliefs and expectancies, fixed thought patterns, and self-defeating and self-perpetuating behavioral strategies (Cognitive-Behavioral Components, p. 417).
Substance Abuse No cognitive components
Sexual Dysfunction and Deviance Sexual dysfunction and deviance is primarily based on psychological issues of the mind. Many individuals experience anxiety or pain and it strictly created in the mind. These individuals have to be reprogrammed to get pass these issues.
Personality disorder Many cognitive component play a part in personality disorders.

Eating Disorder People with eating disorders participate in behaviors such as self- induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, and excessive exercise after eating in an effort to maintain they body weight.
Substance Abuse Individuals usually withdraw from society and become more and more reliant on the substance they are using.
Sexual Dysfunction and Deviance People who have sexual disorders generally behave in a manner that is abnormal or deviant from normal sexual behavior. A perfect example of this is people who have paraphilias. These are individuals who become sexual aroused off of inappropriate sources such as a man wearing women’ underwear.
Personality disorder People with personality disorders demonstrate behaviors that are dysfunctional and abnormal in society.
Hansell, J., & Damour, L. (2008). Abnormal psychology. Retrieved from University of Phoenix.

National Institute of Mental Health. (2010). Eating disorders. Retrieved from

The Free Dictionary by Farlex. (2011). Disorder. Retrieved from

Defining the categories and classifications of Eating disorder, Substance Abuse, Sex disorder and dysfunction, and Personality disorder
| |Eating Disorder |Substance Abuse |Sex disorder and |Personality Disorder |
| | | |dysfunction | |
|DSM IV TR |Eating disorders, which are|Substance abuse is a |According to The Free |“Personality disorders are|
|Definition of the category |marked by extremes, are |maladaptive pattern of |Dictionary by |disorders characterized |
|In this space you should |present when a person |substance use that is not |Farlex (2011), “sex |by extreme and rigid |
|define the broad category |experiences severe |considered dependent. |disorders are any disorder|personality traits that |
|of eating disorder. That |disturbances in eating | |involving functioning, |cause impairment. People |
|is, give the major features|behavior such as extreme |A person with substance abuse |desire, and performance. |with personality disorders|
| |reduction of food intake or|continues to use and abuse a |Specifically, any such |behave in ways that do not|
| |extreme overeating, or |substance even though the |disorder that is caused at|fit with accepted social |
| |feelings of extreme |behavior causes significant |least in part by |standards, and they are |
| |distress or concern about |impairment or distress. |psychological factors; |unable to adapt their |
| |body weight or shape | |divided into sexual |behaviors to better suit |
| |(National Institute of |“The person normally |dysfunctions and |their environments.” |
| |Mental Health, 2010). |experiences several negative |paraphilias” (Disorder, |(Hansell & |
| |This disorder is a |consequences such as failure to|para. 1). |Damour, 2008, p.410). |
| |treatable medical illness. |fulfill one’s family, work, or | | |
| |However, the causes are |school obligations, the |The DSM IV TR splits sex |There are ten known |
| |typically psychological and|development of |disorders into the |personality disorders. |
| |nature and treatment must |substance-related legal or |following three | |
| |begin within the mind. |medical problems, or the |categories: sex | |
| | |presence of dangerous behaviors|dysfunction, paraphilias, | |
| | |such as driving while |and gender identity. | |
| | |intoxicated “(Hansell & | | |
| | |Damour, 2008, p. 281). | | |
|Major Classification within|According to National |Depressants abuse |Sex Dysfunctions |Cluster A: Odd or |
|each category |Institute of Mental |Depressants are substances that|Disorders involving |Eccentric Personality |
|In this area you should |Health (2010), “anorexia |slow down CNS function however |persistent problems with |Disorder |
|list the various sub-groups|nervosa is characterized by|when abused the effects can be |sexual interest, sexual |Paranoid personality |
|of disorder. For example |emaciation, a relentless |very dangerous. For examples, |response, or orgasm” |disorder |
|in eating we have obesity, |pursuit of thinness and |high doses of depressants can |(Hansell & Damour, 2008, |“Personality |
|anorexia, and bulimia. For|unwillingness to maintain a|cause coma and even death. The |p. 372). |traits involving extreme |
|each one you list give a |normal or healthy weight, a|most commonly abused |Paraphilias |distrust and |
|one sentence description of|distortion of body image |depressants are alcohol, |Disorders that involve a |suspiciousness” (Hansell &|
|what makes it unique |and intense fear of gaining|opioids, and sedative- |person having sexual |Damour, 2008, p. 412). |
| |weight, a lack of |hypnotics. |arousal for inappropriate | |
| |menstruation among girls |Stimulants abuse |sources. The sexual |Schizoid personality |
| |and women, and extremely |Stimulants are substances that |arousal is considered |disorder |
| |disturbed eating behavior. |speed up the functions of the |abnormal. |“Personality |
| |Some people with anorexia |CNS, however when used in large|Gender Identity Disorder |traits involving |
| |lose weight by dieting and |amounts the effects could be |A person feels that they |detachment from social |
| |exercising excessively; |deadly. For example, when |were born as the wrong |relationships |
| |others lose weight by |stimulants are abused the |biological sex and has a |and a restricted range of |
| |self-induced vomiting, or |results could be psychosis and |desire to be the opposite |emotional |
| |misusing laxatives, |death. The most commonly used |sex. |expression” (Hansell & |
| |diuretics or enemas” |stimulants are caffeine, | |Damour, 2008, p. 416) |
| |(Anorexia Nervosa, para. |nicotine, Amphetamine, and | | |
| |1). |cocaine. | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Bulimia nervosa involves a |Hallucinogen Abuse | | |
| |person participating in the|Hallucinogens are substances | |Schizotypal personality |
| |repeated pattern of eating |that produce hallucinations | |disorder |
| |an excessive amount of food|through changes in sensory | |“Personality traits |
| |and then to compensate for |perception. These substances | |involving eccentricities |
| |this pattern and avoid |are illegal in the U.S. The | |of behavior, cognitive or |
| |weight gain they use |most commonly abused | |perceptual distortions, |
| |measures such as self- |hallucinogens are LSD, | |and acute discomfort in |
| |induced vomiting, |Psilocybin (mushrooms), and | |close relationships” |
| |laxatives, fasting, or |Mescaline. | |(Hansell & Damour, 2008, |
| |excessive exercise. |Other( or Unknown) Substance | |p. 418). |
| | |Abuse | |Cluster B: Dramatic, |
| |Eating disorders not |These are substances that don’t| |Emotional, or Erratic |
| |otherwise specified (EDNOS)|easily fit into the previous | |Personality disorders |
| |are eating behaviors that |categories discussed; however, | |Antisocial personality |
| |do not meet the criteria of|they have similar properties | |disorder |
| |anorexia or bulimia nervosa|along with unique properties of| |“Personality traits |
| |such as binge eating |their own. The substances that | |involving profound |
| |disorder, which is similar |fit into this category include | |disregard for, and |
| |to bulimia nervosa only the|Marijuana, Ecstasy, PCP, GHB, | |violation of, the rights |
| |person does not compensate |Inhalants, and Steroids. | |of others” (Hansell & |
| |for their recurrent | | |Damour, 2008, p. 420). |
| |episodes of binge eating. | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Borderline personality |
| | | | |disorder |
| | | | |“Personality |
| | | | |traits involving |
| | | | |instability in |
| | | | |interpersonal |
| | | | |relationships, self-image,|
| | | | |and emotions, impulsivity,|
| | | | |and self-destructive |
| | | | |behavior” (Hansell & |
| | | | |Damour, 2008, p.424). |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Histrionic personality |
| | | | |disorder |
| | | | |“Personality traits |
| | | | |involving excessive, |
| | | | |superficial emotionality |
| | | | |and attention seeking” |
| | | | |(Hansell & Damour, 2008, |
| | | | |p. 430). |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Narcissistic personality |
| | | | |“Personality traits |
| | | | |involving extreme |
| | | | |grandiosity, need for |
| | | | |admiration, and lack of |
| | | | |empathy” (Hansell & |
| | | | |Damour, 2008, p. 434). |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Cluster C: Anxious or |
| | | | |Fearful Disorders |
| | | | |Avoidant personality |
| | | | |disorder |
| | | | |“Personality traits |
| | | | |involving social |
| | | | |inhibition, feelings of |
| | | | |inadequacy, and |
| | | | |hypersensitivity to |
| | | | |negative evaluation” |
| | | | |(Hansell & Damour, 2008, |
| | | | |p. 436). |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Dependent personality |
| | | | |disorder |
| | | | |“Personality traits |
| | | | |involving submissive and |
| | | | |clinging behavior related |
| | | | |to an excessive need to be|
| | | | |cared for by others” |
| | | | |(Hansell & Damour, 2008, |
| | | | |p. 438). |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Obsessive-compulsive |
| | | | |personality disorder |
| | | | |“Personality traits |
| | | | |involving preoccupation |
| | | | |with orderliness, |
| | | | |perfectionism, and control|
| | | | |at |
| | | | |the expense of |
| | | | |spontaneity, flexibility, |
| | | | |and |
| | | | |enjoyment” (Hansell & |
| | | | |Damour, 2008, p. 440). |

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