...The Ethics, Effects, and Fairness of PEDs Despite being banned in many leagues and competitions, steroids are still used to gain an edge over other competitors. Athletes use steroids without any regard to the ethics that accompany the intake of drugs. There are many reasons why competitors should, in fact, follow the rules set in place and stop using steroids completely. Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) should completely stop being used in competitions or leagues. First of all, anabolic steroids are known to be bad for your health. PEDs have unpleasant, undesirable side effects. The United States Anti-Doping Agency lists the symptoms of using PEDs, which include ”liver damage, stunted growth, increased aggressiveness, leukemia, anemia,...
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...If I could ban anything in the world I would probably ban steroid usage in sports. It is amazing what athletes will do to achieve higher levels of performance and to sometimes get the extra edge on the competition. Most of the time people do not realize the long-term effects that result from the decisions they make early in life. This is like the use of steroids in a person's life. Even though steroids are known as a somewhat dangerous substance, they are legal to have and to consume. Most people out there take steroids because they know they can not compete at the level against their opponents who are using steroids to go to the next level of performance. A lot of influence comes from professional athletes. If professional athletes are taking steroids, then a high school athlete has to be kicking the thought around of trying steroids. They have to wonder how they are going to succeed if they do not take them. Steroid use could possibly be lowered in high school age kids if their high school PE teachers taught their students about the effects of steroids and the lifestyle it could lead to. Every year more and more famous retired athletes are admitting to steroid use in their career. People need to listen to what they have to say, and use them as the example for teaching the younger crowd. In conclusion I think using steroid is cheating and shouldn’t be allowed. Not only should it not be allowed in sports but also in life. I don’t like what they do to your body...
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...Professional athletes are the best of the best, but should they be able to use steroids to make themselves that much better? Using steroids to enhance performance and physique has been and is very popular among athletes. Many times, athletes view steroids as the main contributing factor in efforts to reach the highest level in their profession. Steroids are not good for sports as they have an impact in the world bigger than the effect on each individual steroid user. Sports have been seen as a display of pure skill and talent, but with an integration of steroids, that model is hard to tell as athletes become bigger, faster, and stronger. Steroids should be avoided in sports because they create unfair advantages, affect the integrity of the sport, and lead to poor choices in younger ages as the professional athletes are seen as popular role models. Steroids have been supported by multiple people and continue to lead to discussions as to whether or not they belong in professional sports. Being among the greats takes years of practice and raw skill...
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...Steroids have been part of baseball history for a long time and it’s benefited athletes who resort to using it without getting caught. It’s helped the game develop into the game we see today, with players breaking home run records and pitchers pitching Cy Young worthy numbers. Steroids have caused a rift between who should or shouldn’t be in the Hall of Fame because it helped them get a competitive boost with the use of an injection or cream, while others played naturally and legally. While I believe that steroids have its advantages in athletes, it is just another way athletes can gain a competitive boost. If steroids were to be legalized, all athletes would have the chance to compete at the same level, but in a much higher and competitive environment. The stadiums would be more electric and games would be more exciting for the fans to enjoy....
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...Anabolic steroids are man-made compounds, related to testosterone, used to promote muscle growth and performance. They have a notorious history and are currently prevalent in weightlifting and sporting communities. The smallest subset within that community are adolescents. Anabolic steroid usage as an adolescent is the most harmful time a person can use steroids because they are illegal and dangerous without a doctor’s prescription and monitoring, prematurely stunt physical growth, and the side effects can be temporary, permanent or, in rare cases, deadly. The origin of anabolic steroids can be traced back to the early 1930’s when scientist were able to synthesize testosterone in order treat men unable to develop and grow normally or function...
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...Bodybuilding and Steroids: An Ongoing Controversy Throughout many generations as well as the present day, bodybuilding has been a much favored sport in the fitness industry. The question first begins with what a sport is determined to be. The definition seems to be: “a human activity capable of achieving a result requiring physical exertion and skill, which by nature, is competitive” (Kennedy 121). Conceivably, bodybuilding fits the definition; However, the primary problem that bodybuilders, the industry, and just the name, bodybuilding, in general face are the numerous controversial issues about the usage of anabolic drugs commonly referred to as steroids. The FDA has banned any and all steroids, causing them to be illegal; Yet, in the sport of bodybuilding, in order to manipulate one’s body, one must consume hormones that are beyond a days dosage of organic foods and minerals. The sport of bodybuilding, is without a doubt, one of the most respected sports due to its extreme discipline of the body and mind. Thus the controversy remains as this: why would the FDA continue to ban anabolic drugs from an industry that, for a portion of its influencers, need these hormones to continue to live up to the bodybuilding legacies? Why is the FDA banning these substances? Also, another controversy that is frequently brought up is: why cant fitness experts, such as master trainers and nutritionists, etc... come up with substitutes that correspond to the drugs, yet remain legal? As a...
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...What are anabolic steroids, and how have they affected the world of sports? Synthetic drugs that are correlated with male sex hormones are commonly referred to as anabolic steroids. These drugs can come in many different varieties, orally and injection-based. With high expectations in many sports programs, some athletes will turn to steroids for an advantage. Over the span of more than half a century, the world of sports has completely evolved at the hands of these drugs. Steroids have negatively impacted sports leagues worldwide in terms of player-health, league reputations, and record books. Anabolic steroids are known for providing a user with unmatched gains in agility, speed, size, and strength; however, the negative side effects of steroids...
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...The side effects brought about by Winstrol use can be very serious, so understanding the nature of Winstrol and its use as an anabolic steroid should first be understood in order to understand how serious the risk of harmful side effects are. Also understanding why a person would use Winstrol in the first place can also be a factor for its popularity yet dubious association with many sports governing bodies. Winstrol is an anabolic steroid developed by Winthrop Laboratories in 1962. Sometimes known by its scientific name stanozolol, it is commonly ingested orally, but is also available in an intramuscular version called Winstrol Depot. This substance is not esterified unlike most anabolic steroids available on the market today, and is sold...
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...How do steroids affect the human body? Steroids can be extremely harmful to people who take them. Steroids can be Given to you medically if you have chronic bronchitis but those steroids are called Corticosteroids which are very different to the harmful version. Steroid are referred to “juice” or “roids” they are a form of male hormones, Testosterone. Steroid are being abused but people who want to change their physical health, Performance and appearance take steroids – Body builders use steroids to gain Muscle so that they can win competitions, athletes use steroids to that they wish To improve their skills as an athlete, many other people us steroids because of Late or early injures to help them recover and carry on with their day to day life’s....
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...Involves Taking Steroids Illegally Lance Armstrong stated after being confirmed for illegal use of anabolic steroids that, “My punishment is a thousand times bigger than the crime I committed.” Anabolic steroids are any drugs used to increase your testosterone levels other than estrogen,progesterone, and corticosteroids and other hormonal medication. Steroid means any class of chemical compound,important to chemistry,biology, and medicine. Anabolism (Anabolic) means the synthesis in living organisms of more complex substances from simpler ones. Steroids have slang terms to such as Juice,Roids,Gear, and stackers. In 1930 anabolic steroids were created. Then however they did not go by the name steroids. They were created for men who couldn’t produce enough testosterone. Steroids nowadays are a rescripted medicine people will give to men and women who may have delayed puberty, severe muscle loss like say after breaking your leg and having a cast on it forever,aids,cancer, and anemia. Steroids are synthetic versions of the male sex hormone testosterone....
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...Key Terms Anabolic steroids Compounds derived from testosterone that promote tissue growth and repair. Anabolic refers to processes in the body that covert simple substances into more complex compounds (Uretsky, 2006). Anorexia Athletica A disorder of compulsive exercising. People tend to be more obsessed with maintaining abnormally low body fat percentage than with body weight (Davidson & Porter, 2013). Blood doping The use of products that enhance the uptake, transport, or delivery of oxygen to the blood. Blood is taken out a few months before competition and then packed, frozen, and stored. A few days before competition, the blood is returned to the body to increase the red blood count by up to 20% (Blood Doping, 2007). Erythropoietin...
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...watch baseball every year, whether that is at home or from the baseball diamond itself. Baseball changes a little every year, including various issues. Baseball has encountered race and still continued to be a favorite past time. Steroids are now becoming a piece of baseball’s history. Performance-enhancing drugs played a major role in baseball history. Performance-enhancing drugs were a problem when it came to baseball. Steroids, a very popular PED, have been outlawed from the MLB since 1991. Except, that was not the end of them. MLB began to test their players of PEDs in 2003. They were trying to figure out how many players were using PEDs. With their results, they decided to continue to do more testing. Those who were using PEDs and caught through testing were suspended depending on their number of offenses. According to ESPN, the first offense of having used PEDs was a 50 game suspension. The second offense was a 100 game suspension. PEDs had become a serious problem in baseball. Not...
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...[pic] |Source: |USDA/Agricultural Research Service | |Date: |January 3, 2007 | Berry Compound Thwarts Enzyme Linked To Cancer Science Daily — Recent research by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and cooperators has fortified the standing of pterostilbene (pronounced "tare-o-STILL-bean") for its health benefits, a compound found in berries such as blueberries and grapes, as a cancer inhibitor. During tests employing cell fragments from mice livers, ARS chemist Agnes Rimando and colleagues in Poland found that the compound strongly suppresses a type of an enzyme that activates cancer-causing processes. Rimando and her collaborators targeted an enzyme called cytochrome P450, which sets off a variety of compounds--known as "procarcinogens--that can turn substances such as cigarette smoke and pesticides into cancer-causing agents. Rimando has led numerous animal studies that focused on pterostilbene and its potential benefits to human health. This includes work showing that pterostilbene can help lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease, and that the compound is present in a genus of shrubs that includes many types of berries, including blueberries. She also led studies that found that the compound is a powerful antioxidant that shows cancer-fighting properties similar to those of resveratrol. Indeed, pterostilbene is a derivative of resveratrol, a compound found in large quantities in the skins...
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...Steroids in the game of Baseball | The Physical and Statistical Effects | Anonymous | Many players have been accused of the use of steroids. Some have denied it, but has been proven guilty. Some have admitted by will that they have used Performance-Enhancement Drugs/Steroids at some point during their career. EXTERNAL PHYSICAL EFFECTS There are several signs known of to identify steroid use. For example, in men he might notice baldness and growth in the chest (around the breast) area. In women she might notice increase facial hair, reduction around the breast area, and their voice may deepen. In both men and women they may notice Jaundice, aching joints, mood swings, and nervousness. There also can be major effects for men and women from steroid usage; for example, high blood pressure, liver damage, increases of bad cholesterol, males risk shrinking of the testicles and infertility. Females’ menstrual changes these are some of the noticeable signs of steroids use. There has not been any conclusive proof that the use of steroids alone would make a drastic change in the body size or weight. Although steroids are said to enhance the muscle mass, which could give a false belief of increased body strength. To acquire the muscle mass and body strength desired one would need to have a workout plan in place. If the ligaments and tendons are not strong enough to support the muscle mass one could end up with torn ligaments and tendons. Steroids alone...
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...achieve their goals, performance enhancers that are known as steroids. Steroids give players competitive advantage over those who do not use them. Steroids are synthetic versions of male testosterone, a male hormone taking this hormone produces rapid muscle growth and recovery from workouts. (Filomena and Ascione 2009) Steroids can aid athletes tremendously by increasing their strength...
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