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Still Life At St Ives Essay

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This still life and landscape painting was painted in 1943-45, and shows the view of the harbour at St Ives; it is one of a series begun in 1939. These landscape paintings enabled Nicholson to develop his ideas from previous years, particularly his experimentation with the positioning of objects and creating space. For this painting Nicholson used oil paint and graphite on canvas. With some parts of this painting appearing quite smooth, Nicholson has also been able to create texture through using the canvas underneath. This is noticeable in the background on the hills, where the texture of the canvas has created a crosshatched appearance.

The influence the war had on Nicholson is also shown in this painting. The Union Jack in the foreground was added after to celebrate V.E. Day and the end of the war — this painting and others, …show more content…
The use of scale on the boats in the background creates a sense of depth, and shows distance, however the rest of the painting looks quite flat. Furthermore, the colours used are light but don’t create much contrast. An example of this is the cups in the foreground, which look two-dimensional due to the lack of tone being used. Furthermore, they have been painted at 90 degrees angles and look very simplified; the same can be said for the buildings behind.

The boats and the lighthouse in the background of this painting don’t include much detail, yet are important to add a sense of scale. Like the cups in the foreground, there is no variation in tone to show their curved shape. This approach reminds of Alfred Wallis’ work, as he is not painting the objects how he sees them, but as he would like them to be seen; this is particularly prominent when looking at the cups and the buildings. However, in contrast to Wallis’ work, Nicholson has payed attention to size and perspective, resulting in the painting having less of a naive

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