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Stohaline Fish Research Paper

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Words 656
Pages 3
Stenohaline fish are fish that can only survive in one type of water, which is salt or freshwater. Euryhaline fish can survive in both salt and freshwater because they can maintain a certain concentration of water in its body even when its outside environment or a certain level of salinity in their bloodstream to survive, salinity is the total amount of solid material that is dissolved in water; this process at which this balance occurs is called osmoregulation (Macdonald Jessica, Jun. 9, 2015). So, Euryhaline species are adapted to balance out the amount of salt and water in their bodies. And with that being said, Stenohaline species are unable to maintain a certain level of salinity in their bloodstream, they can’t survive (Melina Rema, Sep, 28, 2012). Lower concentration of water and a higher concentration of solutes, which is a hypertonic solution; keeps most organisms usually in freshwater environments limited to salt water because the net movement of the water will cause it to shrink (Saucedo, Jarod, Jan. 5, 2012). Bull sharks do this in brackish water, which is found where fresh freshwater and seawater mix and low salinity of hypersaline water, which is found in waters that experience high evaporation rates and low ocean circulation (‘HOW BULL SHARKS CAN LIVE IN BOTH OCEAN AND FRESH WATER’). …show more content…

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