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Why Going To College Is Bad

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College is Bad
Going to college is a bad decision. in a 2009 survey more than half the students stated that stress interferes with their school work. The average graduate in 2014 had a debt of $28,950. Starting from 1999, student debt has been increasing and is over 500% from then. Even though the average salaries for young people have not. In fact, since 2000, the average salary for young people has decreased to 10% over the years. College is a bad decision because it increases stress, increases debt, and a number of students are unemployed or underemployed. Surveys show that college students are stressed over their academic responsibilities. The Spring 2013 edition of the National College Health Assessment, where the average age of those …show more content…
US Congress Joint Economic Committee said about 60% of graduates in 2011 have student loan debt of almost 60% of their annual salary. Most credit lenders want your debt to income ratio to be approximately 28%. This means that of your annual income 28% of it goes to loans, credit cards, etc. so college students graduating with almost 60% of their salary going towards student loans are looking at paying large amounts for a long period of time in order to pay off student loans. This leads us to another huge issue. Of the 37 million borrowers who have outstanding student loan balances, 14% or 5.4 million borrowers, have at least one student loan account that isn’t paid on time. Despite the fact that colleges try to educate students only expensive school, 14% of students are unable to pay their student loan on time. This could be due to the fact that approximately one third of the students that previously had a job stay at that job after graduating. It could also be that many current college graduates remain unemployed. Majority of people that still need to pay student loans are over the age of 30. Many students graduate around the age of 24. That means that six years after graduation people are still trying to pay off their student loans. The ever increasing cost of student loans is not being offset by employment for current graduates. While the opposition may site statistics showing …show more content…
About a third of students that originally had a job before they had graduated college decided to stayed at the same job. Using oklahoma state university’s graduation rate of 84.3%, that means 27.8% of their graduates stayed at the job they already had. Which means that they did not benefit from more pay. They may not even be working at a job in the field they studied for. Starting from 1999, student debt has been increasing and is over 500% from then. Even though the average salaries for young people have not. In fact, since 2000, the average salary for young people has decreased to 10% over the years. While student loan debt is increasing recent graduates are experiencing a decrease in salaries. This could be due to their age and inexperience. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 44% of recent college graduates were underemployed in 2012. As my previous arguments indicate recent graduates are staying at their current jobs and receiving less pay for jobs in their field. It makes it hard to see how college graduates receive better salaries than high school graduates when they stay in the same job or receive 10% less pay than people already in the

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