Premium Essay

Stop the Violence


Submitted By longhotkisses
Words 442
Pages 2
"Stop The Violence" is what the signs around Richmond County should say. How is crime contagious? First, crime is contagious because minors have lesser punishment, we need longer and harder punishment for any crime committed. Second, Crime is contagious because we don't rehabilitate after the punishment. Lastly, Crime is contagious because the job maket sphas made a tremendous high.
What is missing?
Crime is contagious because minors have a lesser punishment,cs we need longer and harder punishment. Minors have to realize and be shown that no matter how old you are, crime will not be tolerated. The parents of the minors should receive punishment also because they will be more willing to work with their children. Minors play a big part in the future of our communities, which means we can not afford to play with them. Adults will try to use minors to do their crimes because minors get a lesser charge. These s-vis why I feel that Harder and longer punishment should be obtained regardless. Minors have to be shown that any misbehavior will have the same consequences as if they were adults.
What is missing?
Second, Crime is contagious because we do not rehabilitate after the punishment. After the crime has been comitted and the punshment sphas been served, we still should not be finished with them. This is a time when rehabilation should be done. rehablation spdoes not have to be on a daily basis but, it should be done every few weeks until the person s-vget back on the right track. Getting back on the right track for minors means, going back to school and making good grades. Getting back on the right track for adults means, getting a job to support their family or going back to school.needs a quote
Lastly, Crime is contagious because the job market has made a tremendous high. The job market is having a tremendous affect on crime, which has a scare in

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