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Strategic Analysis Model


Submitted By Tichchikwaz
Words 2725
Pages 11
Strategic Analysis Model
Strategic Analysis includes the following: 1. Industry Analysis 2. Strategy Description 3. Strategy Evaluation 4. Strategic Issues 5. Strategic Recommendations
Copyright 1996-2001 by Dr. William R. Boulton.
Understanding the Strategic Analysis Model
As shown in the following exhibits, strategic business analysis includes (1) industry analysis, (2) business strategy analysis, and (3) strategy evaluation and recommendations.
Industry analysis begins with a definition of products and markets, skills and competitors contained within the industry, followed by industry structural analysis, and concluded with the identification of the key success factors for the industry.
Business strategy analysis begins with a description of the strategic goals and business strategy of the firm. It's implementation is then analyzed in terms of the firm's functional and operational capabilities and the resulting financial and competitive performance.
Strategic evaluation or SWOT analysis encompasses the internal and external factors that affect the company's business strategy. The business strategy is compared against the industry's key success factors and competitive resource requirements and the firm's internal capabilities and resources.
Critical issues & Recommendations seek to identify the critical issues that the company needs to address. The analysis concludes with recommendations that address the critical issues and result in changes of product-market strategy or functional implementation.
Industry Analysis
The course is based on the ability of students to define their business, conduct an effective industry analysis, and identify the "key success factory" for firms competing in the industry. Such industry analysis is based on:
A. DEFINE THE BUSINESS. The boundary for industry analysis is the markets and products that describe

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