...HRM 5355 Strategic HRM Midterm A strategic HR approach provides three critical benefits, including facilitation of: Development of a high quality work force through its focus on the types of people and skills needed Having a high quality workforce has a major influence in the operations of an organization. A workforce that is knowledgeable, adaptable, and receptive to new changes ensures the efficiency of the work system. According to Mello (2011), “An organization is only as strong or as weak as its employees, and the skills, backgrounds, and motivation these employees bring to their jobs will therefore be a key factor in the organization’s overall performance” (p.108). Planning could be in the form of performing a need analysis regarding human capital as it can help assess what is needed in terms of skills and capabilities in order for an organization to gain a competitive advantage. Planning can also include evaluating the external and internal market to evaluate what compensation and benefits are needed in order to attract the right employees. Evaluating what competitors offer and building a strategy to attract the right personnel can also result in attaining a high quality work force. Furthermore, it is essential for an organization that once they have the required skills from the current human capital pool that these be updated along with the goals and strategies of the organization. Having outdated skills would make a company lag in the outside market and...
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...Strategic HR Approach Strategic HR Approach A HR Director has many job responsibilities throughout the work day. They ensure that payroll and accounting are done properly; they are in charge of the hiring and training of new employees. They must also keep up to date information and training for current employees who wish to continue to work for the company. Also HR directors also have to deal with the termination of employees. One other task which HR directors must deal with is employee safety. They must ensure the company and the employees are following all federal and state guidelines. By following all safety and security measures maintains the employer and employee have proper balance within the workplace. Listed below are four case scenarios in which I, as the HR director, must ensure all federal guidelines are being met by the company to offer the best outcome for the employees involved. Case Scenario 1: Medical Bills This employee has been a dedicated employee within the company for the past 25 years of service. They have been diagnosed with cancer which has required them to be hospitalized for two months. While in the hospital, they have accumulated a numerous amount of medical bills due to different treatment options. With the mounting amount of medical bills and no work, this employee is seeking additional help from the employer with additional medical costs and to help cover the cost of these bills. The company is already following state and federal guidelines...
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...Strategic HR Approach Rebecca Hardy HRM/552 - Organizational Training and Development 06 April, 2015 Professor Patricia Addesso Strategic HR Approach Human Resource Managers must deal with a wide range of issues on a daily basis. They are charged with the task of determining the strategy that will best resolve the issue for the employee as well as ensuring that the organization is staying in compliance with all governmental regulations. The following scenarios will allow us to take a look at some of the situations that could arise for a Human Resource Manager and determine the best strategy for resolving those issues. Scenario 1: An employee of 25 years received cancer treatment and was hospitalized for 2 months. He or she is now asking for additional money to help pay medical bills. As the human resource manager I would take a look at the health insurance and disability benefits that the employee has available to them. Knowing this information will help me determine the best course of action for the employee. For example, if the employee has a flexible spending account that they have been putting money aside in, this may be an option that is available for helping to cover the medical costs. The employee should have already submitted a claim for any short-term disability benefits that could possibly be available, but if they have not helping them to obtain these benefits for the time period that they were out may help provide additional funds for the team member...
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...Acknowledgements 7 Executive Summary 8 Chapter 1: Introduction 12 1.1 Background 12 1.2 Policy context 13 1.3 Rationale for the study 14 1.4 Research terms of reference and approach 14 1.5 Report structure 15 Chapter 2: Key Concepts from the Strategic HR Literature 17 2.1 Introduction 17 2.2 What is strategic HR? 17 2.3 From personnel management to strategic HRM 18 2.4 The impact of strategic HRM 21 2.5 The implementation of strategic HRM in the public sector 23 2.6 Key chapter findings 26 Chapter 3: The Developing Concept of Strategic HR in the Irish Civil Service 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Background to HR reform in the civil service 28 3.3 From policy to practice 31 3.4 Key chapter findings 33 Chapter 4: Strategic HR Practice in the Irish Civil Service 35 4.1 Introduction 35 4.2 Evidence of HR as a strategic partner 36 4.3 Evidence of HR as an administrative expert 45 4.4 Evidence of HR as an employee champion 49 4.5 Evidence of HR as a change agent 54 4.6 Key chapter findings 55 3 Chapter 5: Implementing Strategic HR Outside the Civil Service 57 5.1 Introduction 57 5.2 HR reform in Dublin City Council 57 5.3 HR...
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...Schuler and Walker define Human Resource Strategy (HRS) as “a set of processes and activities jointly shared by human resources and line managers to solve business-related problems”. I believe this definition assists on tackling the above question. However, Bamberger and Meshoulam “Conceptualise human resource strategy as an outcome: the pattern of decisions regarding the policies and practices associated with the HR system”. In my view, HRS is a set of ‘processes and activities’ that when implemented, result in an outcome. In aim to justify this statement by discussing the topic of human resource strategy in relation to the sub-headings listed above. By examining the reasons or ‘rationale’ for the emergence of human resource strategies in the modern business environment, the value, various strategy approaches, types and the concept of fit, I believe I can underline the importance of a well devised HRS to any overall business strategy or plan. Modern businesses and the economic environments in which they operate are very different from the organizations and economies examined by Chandler in his studies of ‘managerial capitalism’ (late 19th Century through to the 1970s). The development of technology, and the creation of global economies have resulted in a significant increase in efficient and effective competition within all industries operating in market economies. Firms con longer rely on competing aggressively simply on the reliable favorites of achieving economies of...
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...Golding, N (2007) in Beardwell, I., Claydon, T. & Beardwell,J. Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach, 5th Edition, Pearson Exploring the Relationship between Strategic Management and SHRM: The Best-Fit School of SHRM The Best-Fit (or contingency) school of SHRM explores the close link between strategic management and HRM, by assessing the extent to which there is vertical integration between an organisation’s business strategy and its HRM policies and practices. This is where an understanding of the strategic management process and context can enhance our understanding of the development of SHRM, both as an academic field of study and in its application in organisations. The notion of a link between business strategy and the performance of every individual in the organisation is central to ‘fit’ or vertical integration. Vertical integration can be explicitly demonstrated through the linking of a business goal to individual objective setting, to the measurement and rewarding of that business goal. Vertical integration between business strategy or the objectives of the business and individual behaviour and ultimately individual, team and organisational performance is at the core of many models of SHRM. Inherent in most treatments of fit is the premise that organisations are more efficient and /or effective when they achieve fit relative to when a lack of fit exists (Wright & Snell 1991:757) . This vertical integration or ‘fit’ where ‘leverage’ is gained through...
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...September 24, 2014 HR is a function within an entity that can improve and transform decision-makers and the company overall; HR have one goal in mind, focus on core capabilities. This process requires that HR possess the need to maintain a diverse group of talented employees that will one day become leaders, obtain the expertise of current and exiting employees and subcontract business activities (Fulmer, et al, 2006). Therefore, in order for HR to be an effective strategic partner two things must be understood; first, the business of the business and second, work begins with the business (Fulmer, et al, 2006). Since technology and the economy continues to change, HR need to change as well by taking on a more specialized approach to work. The reason being is that if HR takes a specialized approach to work it will leave room for more attention on strategic issues than operational issues within the company (Mello, 2015). What that means for the company, HR can outsource a portion of their roles (payroll and staffing) to place themselves where they can help the company with strategy executions. Fulmer & Genson (2006), states that in order to be a true strategic partner, HR must possess knowledge of the company, help support the strategies of the company, and must possess the ability to interpret or transform every business activity into strategic goals for the company’s success (para. 2). In other words, with a more specialized approach to work, HR will be responsible...
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............................................Introduction 2.2....................................................................Corporate Strategy 2.3.....................................................................Strategic human resource management and human resource strategies 2.4.....................................................................Conclusion 2.5.....................................................................Recommendation 2.6......................................................................Bibliography LITERATURE REVIEW ON THE STRATEGIC FIT/INTEGRATION BETWEEN BUSINESS STRATEGIES AND HR STRATEGIES 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter presents a review of the relevant theoretical and empirical literature from books, referred journals, research projects and the internet. The achievement of any set of corporate objectives requires deployment of the two most important basic resources, namely, people and money. Deficiency in either of the two can reduce the best laid strategy to a valueless pipe dream. Organisations seem to find it more difficult to develop human resource strategies which are linked to business strategies despite a widespread recognition that this is important (Hussey, 2000). For Press Trust to achieve its strategic plans, it is only by having the right quantity and quality of management and non-management personnel on board. People that are capable and efficient in their field of work will not only enhance the performance of the...
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...Best Fit 3. Best approach in different contexts 4. Summary – Google case study 5. Contingency perspective of organizational theory and Justification for application Conclusion References 1. Introduction: - This report is based on a case study of Google’s HR practices. Google Inc. is located at Mountain View, California is not simply known for its unique workplace culture but it also known for its advance innovation approach and HR programs. The HR practices at Google which are named as ‘people operations’ is intended to describe that HR is not merely an administration but rather it makes sure the strong relationship between employee and employer. The case encourages discussion on whether the company’s culture is truly emphasis on attracting and motivating the best employees or it is with a business motive. In order to present critical review of the case study , the concept of HRM as a new strategic approach to the management of people is discussed and two different approaches “best practices” and “best fit” is explained. In the end of the report, the case study is presented from “best fit” HRM perspective .Thus this case study helps us to analyze the two different HRM approaches are applied in the organizations. 2. Two perspectives on SHRM: - HRM has experienced a drastic change over the last few years. “Influenced by many internal and external factors HRM has enlarged its work and activities from administration like making HR policies and practices...
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...1. Why do you think is it important for HR to be a strategic partner to the business? Strategic partners (also called strategic allies) are two or more companies that work together in joint ventures. Strategic partners often share long-term relationships and all parties within the partnership strive towards similar goals. Partners also do not get in the way of each other. Instead, they reinforce one another in order to obtain their set business objectives. For an HR department to be a strategic partner for a business, they must understand the strategic plan of that business, and vice-versa. Strategic planning produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it. It requires broad-scale information gathering, an exploration of alternatives, and an emphasis on the future implications of present decisions. Planning simply improves decision-making. And, all levels of management and partnership engage in planning. It is important for an HR department to be a strategic business partner because it allows them to be able to work in (and with) every other department in an organization. There’s even a strong need for the HR function to adopt a more strategic and business-like approach too. Due to this type of involvement, workers at all stages of employment will become familiar with, and trust, the HR team. Some corporations may even find it beneficial having HR members present in corporate business meetings, so that...
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...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: sandeepk@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: manjari@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations are...
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...A guide to strategic human resource planning By Workinfo.com, www.workinfo.com 1. Introduction A comprehensive Human Resource Strategy plays a vital role in the achievement of an organisation's overall strategic objectives and visibly illustrates that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction in which the organisation is moving. A comprehensive HR Strategy will also support other specific strategic objectives undertaken by the marketing, financial, operational and technology departments. In essence, an HR strategy should aim to capture "the people element" of what an organisation is hoping to achieve in the medium to long term, ensuring that:- • • • • it has the right people in place it has the right mix of skills employees display the right attitudes and behaviours, and employees are developed in the right way. If, as is sometimes the case, organisation strategies and plans have been developed without any human resource input, the justification for the HR strategy may be more about teasing out the implicit people factors which are inherent in the plans, rather than simply summarising their explicit "people" content. An HR strategy will add value to the organisation if it: • • articulates more clearly some of the common themes which lie behind the achievement of other plans and strategies, which have not been fully identified before; and identifies fundamental underlying issues which must be addressed by any organisation or business...
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...the relationship between human resource management and management • Describe the HR manager’s role • Understand the human resource management activities performed in organisations • Explain the meaning of strategy • Explain the meaning of strategic human resource management • Describe a strategic approach to human resource management • Appreciate the strategic challenges facing human resource management What is Human Resource Management? The focus of human resource management (HRM) is on managing people within the employer-employeerelationship. It involves the productive use of people in achieving the organisation's strategic business objectives and the satisfaction of individual employee needs. HRM is a major contributor to the success of an enterprise because it is in a key position 'to affect customers, business results and ultimately shareholder value'. Ineffective HRM is a major barrier to employee satisfaction and organisation success. HRM and Management The purpose of HRM is to improve the productive contribution of people, and should therefore be related toall other aspects of management. There are two basic approaches to HRM: Instrumental HRM - (or hard) approach that stresses the rational, quantitative and strategic aspects of managing human resources; and humanistic HRM - (or soft) approach that emphasises the integration of HR policies and practices with strategic business objectives, but recognises that competitive advantage is achieved by employees with...
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...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: sandeepk@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: manjari@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations are...
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...Strategic Management of Human Resources Section A: (Take around 15 minutes to answer each question, 1 or max 1.5 pages for each question) 1. What do we mean by the terms ‘Best fit’ and ‘Best practice’ to describe SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management). Which is better? Use any short case examples to illustrate your discussion? The best answers will be offering a sharp definition, discussion of the key differential factors associated with the models and a critique of the issues and tensions organizations face. The best answers will introduce the strategy process behind the models, planning, competence and the flow from the business strategy. They will be able to focus around the vision of the organization the values and how this is worked through with better examples. 2. How are Human Resource Departments responding to the challenge of SHRM? Answers will use the Ulrich or similar framework and assessing the challenges HR faces with respect to becoming strategic actors and business partners. They will be able to offer more contemporary information / discussion updating progress toward becoming business partners and change agents with some examples beyond the basic module guide. This will offer a critical and challenging view point. They will offer a comprehensive update on what it means to measure HR value added, develop the function around consultancy and basic service functions and be able to offer more on audit and the relationship with other line...
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