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Strategic Leadership Amidst Disruptive Change Analysis

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Strategic Leadership Amidst Disruptive Change
By Daryl Green
Jul 24, 2011

In a world of hypercompetitive environments, organizations fight to survive in severe economic conditions. Shareholders replace CEOs like they change defective light bulbs. It is frequent and unpredictable. In hopes of salvaging the latest struggling organization, executives usually implement quick solutions by cutting costs (which translates to mean people) and attempting to stop the hemorrhaging through technology. Yet, can today's managers continue to do the same things and expect different results?

Unfortunately, the answer is 'No!' Today's challenges are calling for a different methodology. Strategic thinking represents a different solution for contemporary managers. Strategic thinking is more than careful planning of the organization's work. Strategic thinking consists of two components, which are knowledge about the present and foresight about the future. This article explores strategic leadership during disruptive change.

The Analysis

Some managers foolishly rely solely on their experience to read market changes. Yet, the current …show more content…
Charles Handy, author of The Age of Unreason, argues "Discontinuous change requires discontinuous thinking. If the new way of doing things is going to be different from the old, not just an improvement on it, then we shall need to look at everything in a new way." Strategic thinking can be characterized in several ways, such as (a) focusing on important issues, (b) recognizing systematic properties (linkages, patterns, etc.), and (c) maintaining a long-term view. Having this individual is an asset during disruptive change. Watt Wacker, Jim Taylor, and Howard Means, leadership gurus, further suggest a visionary leader with the capacity of 'living in the present' while 'living in the future." Therefore, duality becomes a critical attribute of exemplary organizations during disruptive

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