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Planets: The Outside Of The Solar System

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The diameter of the Universe is approximately 91 billion light years. The smaller inner planets are composed of rocks while the bigger outer planets are composed of gases. The giant planets are toward the outside of the solar system because Newton’s second law of motion states that force equals mass multiplied by acceleration and since the giant planets have more mass, their force increases. Orbits get farther and farther apart as you go away from the sun because the sun gives off gravitational force and as a planet moves farther away, the acceleration increases, increasing the gravitational force.
To begin, the giant gas planets are toward the outside of the solar system because they have more mass. The pocket solar system model states that the outer planets have more mass than inner planets, as they surround the inner planets (Pocket Solar System Model). Since the giant planets have more mass, their force increases, expanding their orbit range. The Big Bang Theory claims that a huge explosion created the universe, and since the biggest planets have the …show more content…
When a planet moves farther away, the acceleration increases and that makes the sun increase the gravitational force it gives off. According to Newton’s second law, mass and acceleration are directly proportional to force. Since the gravitational force increases, the acceleration has to increase, as the mass stays constant. The Big Bang Theory states that “...a beginning collection of hot particles exploded at the beginning of time” (Origin of Everything: Hot bang or Ageless Universe?). If this is true, the universe is constantly expanding, and if the universe is constantly expanding then the force of orbits must increase as orbits expand because when mass increases, acceleration and force must increase. Therefore, orbits expand as they move farther away from the sun because of force, mass and

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