...Strategic Management Apple & Nokia Case Analysis 1. Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF APPLE AND NOKIA CASE 2 2.0 QUESTION 1 3 2.1 Competitive analysis of Apple and Nokia – who is stronger? 3 2.1.1 Competitive Analysis 3 SWOT Analysis 5 1.1.1 Strengths of Apple 6 Value Chain Analysis 9 Resourced Base View Tool 11 3.0 QUESTION 2 14 3.1 PESTEL analysis tool 15 3.2 Porter’s Five Forces 17 3.3 The Implications for Strategic Development are; 21 4.0 QUESTION 3 21 4.1 Critical Analysis Lessons from Apple’s risky but profitable strategy 21 5.0 REFERENCE: 23 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF APPLE AND NOKIA CASE Apple chalked some initial success with its invention of the Macintosh (Mac) computer but with the introduction of the Windows 1.0 from its rival company (Microsoft), it was faced with a threat in the industry. Their earlier strategic decision of not cooperating with rivals in the industry was seen as a weakness which Microsoft capitalized on to make their software available to other computer manufacturers for a license fee. Apple, diversifying into a new market (mobile telephone industry) with the introduction of user friendly products sought industry cooperation when it came to the launch of subsequent products including the iPod and iPhone. This strategic decision was inspired by its past...
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...the competition (Dess, et al., 2005). Sustaining a competitive advantage became hard for Apple Inc. as noticed in the Harvard Business School Premier Case. Therefore, this paper is an analysis of Apple, Inc. based on a 7-year old case written by David Yoffie and Michael Slind published by Harvard Business School (Yoffie, et al., 2008). The following paper examines in detail the strategies utilized by the company as outlined in the strategic management steps. Several recommendations are also proposed to handle the issues surrounding the organization. Summation Apple Inc. was created by two college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and later joined by A.C. Markkula, Jr; they created the company with one circuit board (Apple I) and turned into 200 sales within two months time (Yoffie, et al., 2008). The company developed a premium-price differentiation strategy; in which two years later, Apple II was introduced to the world. Apple II tripled company sales to more than 100,000 in less than two years compared to Apple I (Yoffie, et al., 2008). This paper analyzes and reviews the strategies utilized by Apple Inc. based on my comprehension of strategic management; and propose recommendations for several problems that Apple faced to become a successful billion dollar company. Situation and Pending Decision Analyzing the case presented a huge problem for Steve Jobs and his management team, was the company’s success acquired recently a temporary “up” in this fluctuated industry...
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...Course Name: Unit Number: Case Name: Apple Inc. Case Study Analysis Introduction This analysis is based on Apple Inc. case study in which the strategic management is analyzed. In the process of analyzing this concept, the article also indentifies the issues and problems as they are presented together with the identification of the major issues surrounding the organization and individuals that are involved with the Apple Inc. Alternative course of action is addressed together with the recommendation that is based on the analysis. Understanding strategic management Through strategic management, a series of moves are developed and executed with an aim of enhancing the organization to be successful in the current situation and also in the future. As the Apple Inc aggressive history is analyzed, a slew of examples are unveiled with an illustration of the irreproducible ability in the effort to have an adoption as well as own market creation. Apple’s strategic management The success of Apple Inc. has been based on its ability to integrate into its model of business operation a management that is strategic. Through strategic management diligent involvement, Apple Inc. has been able to ensure that it is not maneuvered; a strategy that has enabled the company for the past 3 decades to emerge as successful in the competition. However, believing that Apple Inc. has not gone through some setbacks would be illogical. In fact, this...
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...the competition (Dess, et al., 2005). Sustaining a competitive advantage became hard for Apple Inc. as noticed in the Harvard Business School Premier Case. Therefore, this paper is an analysis of Apple, Inc. based on a 7-year old case written by David Yoffie and Michael Slind published by Harvard Business School (Yoffie, et al., 2008). The following paper examines in detail the strategies utilized by the company as outlined in the strategic management steps. Several recommendations are also proposed to handle the issues surrounding the organization. Summation Apple Inc. was created by two college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and later joined by A.C. Markkula, Jr; they created the company with one circuit board (Apple I) and turned into 200 sales within two months time (Yoffie, et al., 2008). The company developed a premium-price differentiation strategy; in which two years later, Apple II was introduced to the world. Apple II tripled company sales to more than 100,000 in less than two years compared to Apple I (Yoffie, et al., 2008). This paper analyzes and reviews the strategies utilized by Apple Inc. based on my comprehension of strategic management; and propose recommendations for several problems that Apple faced to become a successful billion dollar company. Situation and Pending Decision Analyzing the case presented a huge problem for Steve Jobs and his management team, was the company’s success acquired recently a temporary “up” in this fluctuated industry...
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...Unit One – Case Analysis: Apple, inc. Strategic Human Resources Management Unit One – Case Analysis The intended goal of this paper is to explain strategic management and why it is crucial to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission. The focus will be on the case study provided by the Harvard Business School on the company Apple, Inc. from the year 2008. I will give a brief overview of the case and identify issues or problems therein. Alternate solutions to solve the problems Apple, Inc. faces will be identified. The best solution to permanently resolve these issues and problems and an implementation plan will be outlined. The computer circuit board, named Apple I, created in a garage on April Fools’ Day 1976 was the beginning of Apple, Inc. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and A. C. Markkula Jr., the creators, became the industry leaders in 4 years, finally launching their IPO in 1980. Since its inception, Apple has fought to continually and steadily increase its market share and profits worldwide. Technical innovation has been no problem for this company with its numerous devices available. Their competition from Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Acer, and others and trying to compete made the company falter. According to Slind and Yoffie, Hewlett-Packard led the market share with 18.8% and Apple followed with a mere 2.6% in 2007 (2008, pg. 21). But after some hard work and diligence on Jobs’ end, Apple once again began to flourish. One obvious problem for...
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...Elders August 12, 2014 GB520-03N Unit 1 Apple Inc. Page 3 Apple Inc., 2008 Thesis statement Strategic management and what it will provide for the organization, the economy and the stakeholders using ethical stewardship for the benefit of contributing greater organization success according to (Mello, 2015). What is strategic management and why is it critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission? SHRM is a great example of the acronym for Strategic human resource management. HRP is the “critical” success because of an effective system of policies that align themselves with Apples values, goals and mission according to (Mello, 2015). In all cases, the ethical values of the company will define the maximum wealth creation for the framework of transformation leaders. Transformation to achieve and establish “environments” that are satisfying to the human capital of the company according to (Mello, 2015 p. 33). Introduction Apple computer is a great example of how a company was organized and develops, from entrepreneur that experiences a college education. Their college education led to a success in the computer business according to (Yoffie, Slind, 2008). The student was young in age and experiencing a typical company, based on what typical student browse, when they have nothing else to do. The young “college dropouts founded Apple Computer on April Fool’s Day, 1976.3”. The...
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...Trecian Brown GB520: Strategic Human Resource Management Professor Susan Pettine Kaplan University Apple Inc. Case Study 2008 Apple Inc. Case Analysis Introduction The 2008 Harvard Business Case Study on Apple Inc, describes the illustrious company which is fast becoming the wealthiest company ever with a net worth of $500 billion dollars. It illustrates how the company has had some issues, but still find a way to yet sustain its’ name and position over the years. The status of the company was examined in detail by the article which revealed a number of strategic moves under the leadership of several CEO’s in marketing, the PC industry and the consumer electronics industry. This paper offers an analysis of how I view Apple Inc. using the Strategic Management Process. Therefore, the latter part will offer recommendations of some difficulties Apple Inc. faced as it made successful changes (Slind & Yoffie, 2008). Synopsis (Background) of the Situation April 1, 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak cofounded Apple Computer in Los Angeles, California from Jobs garage; they built a computer circuit board and named it Apple I. In just a few months they sold 200, in less than three years Apple had annual sales of $1billion which quickly propelled them an industry leader. Apple was thriving to a degree that seemed to be beyond the capacity of Apple computer. Although Mac sales surged in recent years, Apple’s share...
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...Case Analysis, Apple Inc. 1 Case Analysis, Apple Inc. 1 of 4 Case Analysis, Apple Inc. 2 This case analysis is written to analyze the topic of Strategic Management and answering the question of why it is critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission. This analysis will address the major issues surrounding the organization or individuals involved with the organization, will identify alternate courses of action to address the issues identified with a decision/recommendation for action. Once called Apple Computer and historically know for its Macintosh personal computers (PC) line, Apple Computer dropped the latter part of its name in 2007 and became Apple, Inc. Even though non-PC product lines drove the majority of Apple’s financial performance there still seemed to be no real change in the company’s strategic profile. There were several thousand people that were laid off and by lying off employees to try and fix their financial issues, could have been a portion of the problem (Yoffie & Slind, 2008). Jobs are what contribute to a company’s effectiveness. If the jobs had been retained and management had attempted to find new ways of conducting business to survive by being innovative, Apple, Inc. may have witnessed success earlier (Mello, 2011, pp 112-115). Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and John Sculley came on board and made great strides towards increase in effective marketing, partnering with other companies and joint ventures...
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...Case Analysis – Strategic Management – Apple, Inc. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to explain the definition of Strategic Management and why it is critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission. The analysis will The paper will include a brief analysis of the situation and pending decision problem, as presented in the case and in relevance to the answer. In addition, the major issues will be surrounding the organization or individuals involved with the organization. Included will be alternate courses of action to address the issues identified. Next, will be the decision or recommendation for action, with the appropriate supporting arguments if any. Statement of the Problem(s): Thousands of people were laid off at Apple, Inc. It does not look like Apple, Inc. spent much time working on its management and marketing strategies from the beginning. It was not until better marketers such as Jobs and Sculley came into the picture, before the company started to expand to better markets with acquisitions and joint ventures. The problem was not changing their strategy sooner. The jobs are what contribute to a company’s effectiveness (Mello, 2011, p. 115) and if they kept their employees it might have contributed to earlier success. It is human capital that helps companies to strive. For Apple, Inc. to lay off employees to help their financial statement for stakeholders may have been part of the cause of the problem (Yoffie...
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...UNIT 1 i Overview of strategic management Unit 1 BMG 303/05 Strategic Management Overview of Strategic Management ii WAWASAN OPEN UNIVERSITY BMG 303/05 Strategic Management COURSE TEAM Course Team Coordinator: Dr. Chuah Poh Lean Content Writer: Dr. Hasliza Abdul Halim Instructional Designer: Mr. Khoo Chiew Keen Academic Member: Ms Lum Li Sean COURSE COORDINATOR Ms. Loo Saw Khuan EXTERNAL COURSE ASSESSOR Associate Professor Dr. Haji Hamzah Dato Abdul Rahman, Universiti Utara Malaysia. PRODUCTION Editor: Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. In-house Editor: Mr. Khoo Chiew Keen Graphic Designer: Deam Enterprise Wawasan Open University is Malaysia’s first private not-for-profit tertiary institution dedicated to adult learners. It is funded by the Wawasan Education Foundation, a tax-exempt entity established by the Malaysian People’s Movement Party (Gerakan) and supported by the Yeap Chor Ee Charitable and Endowment Trusts, other charities, corporations, members of the public and occasional grants from the Government of Malaysia. The course material development of the university is funded by Yeap Chor Ee Charitable and Endowment Trusts. © 2013 Wawasan Open University All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from WOU. Wawasan Open University (KPT/JPT/DFT/US/P01) ...
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...many businesses, it requires recreating the corporate image and vision and utilizing strategic management to sustain competitive edge. Apple, Inc. is just one example of a company that constantly readdressed its strategic vision and image. During the 1990s, Apple suffered from its multiple changes in executive management and inconsistent strategies. Under Steve Jobs’s leadership, Apple’s vision was to be a continuous pioneer in the PC industry in order to become “an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products...a company that will stand for something a generation or two from now” (Katzenbach, 2012, para. 5). Unlike previous CEOs and much of the competition, Jobs continually strived to keep Apple innovative and exert cultural influence. However, this focus on innovation has forced Apple to continually adapt and offer new products to maintain a marginal advantage in an rigorously competitive industry. The 1990s In the early 1990s, Apple Computer was well received and uniquely valued by PC consumers. This enabled Apple to offer its products at premium prices. However, senior management realized that creating products valued as unique was not enough to sustain profitability. As IBM, its major competitor, dropped prices, Apple needed to alter its business strategy by offering “products and prices designed to regain market share” (Yoffie & Slind, 2008, p. 3). Apple Computer then went through numerous changes in corporate leadership, employed strategies...
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...APPLE, Inc. CASE STUDY WHATIS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND WHY IS IT CRITICAL TO THE SUCCESS OF AN ORGANIZATION IN MEETING ITS GOALS AND MISSION? Regiane Velez Kaplan University GB520: Strategic Human Resources Management APPLE, Inc. What is Strategic Management, and why is it critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission? What is Strategic Management? The concept of "strategy" is based in a war scenario, the constant fights and battles over the centuries have caused the military to start thinking before you act- the battles are analyzed and planned in advance. In General Sun Tzu’s words: “The general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought.” When translating it to today’s Strategic Management’s words, it means: “Those companies and individuals who win in the business world make much calculation, planning and deliberations on their strategy and plans. Those who plan less have lower chance of success, much less those who don’t plan anything at all.” (Soo, 2011). Developing a Strategic Planning increases the likelihood that in the future, the organization will be in the right place at the right time. Strategic Management collects all activities and processes utilized by an organization in order to align resources and actions with mission, vision and strategy throughout the organization. When applied correctly, strategic management activities...
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...MGMT330 Strategic Management Case Analysis & Presentation Questions for the case memos: Case 1: The Chinese Fireworks Industry Discussion Questions: 1. If you were Jerry Yu, would you invest in a Liuyang fireworks factory? Why? 2. Is the fireworks industry a ‘sunset’ industry or an industry still worth being in for the long run? 3. If you were Jerry Yu, and you decided to make the investment, what would you do to win out in the competition? 4. If you were asked to provide advice to Liuyang Firecrackers and Fireworks Industry Department, as Jerry Yu, what would you say? Case 2: The Global Casino Industry Discussion Questions: 1. Examine the structure of the casino industry by using Porter’s five forces model. 2. What has been the effect of the changing industry structure on U.S. casinos? 3. What are the strategic groups in the casino industry? 4. Assuming your group as consultancy for the Macau government, provide some recommendations for the gaining industry in Macau. Case 3: McDonald’s Discussion Questions: 1. What situation did Easterbrook inherit when he became CEO? What are the current forces in the external environment that might affect the new CEO? 2. What source of competitive advantage does McDonald’s have, and is that position supported by its value chain and other internal resources? 3. What steps could Easterbrook take to fix the problems McDonald’s faced? 4. What other strategies did McDonald’s formulate to achieve a competitive advantage? Case 4: Apple...
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...Statement 7 Analysis of Marketing Position 8 Strategic Position 9 Developing company’s rank in market 9 References: 11 Evaluation of the External Environment Introduction Apple Computers originated in Cupertino, California by three friends, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne. Wozniak was the computer nerd of the three and had been working on a computer design and once Jobs convinced him of finishing his model and selling it to the public the beginning of Apple computers was underway. On January 3, 1977 the hard work of the three friends became Apple Computer, Inc. Soon after Wayne sold his share back to Jobs and Wozniak. The two Steve’s continued on to create one of the most successful companies that would in future years be known for their computers, music devices, cell phones, and software worldwide. Apple took off after Wozniak’s Apple I adding numerous versions of the Apple, the Macintosh line, the iPod, iPhone, and iTunes products, and numerous other computer/software products to the Apple Computer, Inc. family. Apple has made its mark on the technology industry by continuing to be successful innovators that lead their numerous product markets (Bourgeois, 1988). Business level strategies Apple has two major long-term strategies and tactics that they focus on. The first being strategic alliances that they have with IBM, Microsoft, and AT&T. The alliances they formed with IBM and Microsoft have enabled Apple to further...
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...Implementation of SWOT Analysis at Apple Presented By: Chanda Snyder Marketing November 18, 2012 Introduction The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis guides you to identify the positives and negatives inside and outside of your organization. Program directors, policy groups and management teams can use this resource to help with both strategic planning and decision-making. A SWOT analysis will provide perspective, and reveal connections and areas for action. (Strategic Management, 1993). Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat. A SWOT analysis guides you to identify the positives and negatives inside your organization (S-W) and outside of it, in the external environment (O-T). Developing a full awareness of your situation can help with both strategic planning and decision-making. (Strategic Management, 1993). The SWOT method (which is sometimes called TOWS) was originally developed for business and industry, but it is equally useful in the work of community health and development, education, and even personal growth. (Strategic Management, 1993). SWOT is not the only assessment technique you can use, but is one with a long track record of effectiveness. Compare it with other tools found in the Community Tool Box (especially Chapter 3) to determine if this is the right approach for your situation. The strengths of this method are its simplicity and application to a variety of levels of operation. (Strategic Management, 1993). SWOT analysis...
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