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Strategy Formulation


Submitted By fidow
Words 253
Pages 2
1- Strategy statement for Nokia:
● Goals: Provide good cell phones qualities
Help people in general and consumers of Nokia products in particular to communicate more easily
Work to enable people to get more life’s opportunities thanks to Nokia products
● Scope: Produce the basic components in China to reduce costs and meet the financial requirements of customers and therefore provide phones to the largest number of people
● Advantage:
Scale-based assets and capabilities
Leading brand
Service quality
Best mobile devices everywhere Strategy statement for University College Cork:
● Goals:
Propose recognized global quality programs
Adapt the means of the transmission of the information to the requirements of the today's world
Diversify post graduate programs to attract more students
● Scope:
Expand the research department
Creation of a new infrastructure that will house the courses that correspond to new programs
● Advantage:
A worldwide reputation and programs and faculty quality.
Nokia differs

2- Strategy statement of the university of Nairobi :
Vision: A world-class university committed to scholarly excellence
To provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge

Provide quality student welfare services.
• Streamline and rationalize departmental organizational structure for efficient and effective management of student affairs.
• Provide an environment of caring, concern and professional services to assist students in the development of ethical values and behavior.
• Expand student opportunities for international exposure and participation in forums that enhance their personal growth and development.

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