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Strategy I


Submitted By joanzie64
Words 1137
Pages 5
Strategic Plan, Part One: Conceptualizing Business
Joan Ziegler
BUS/475 Integrated Business Topics
July 11, 2011
Daniel Magnole
Strategic Plan, Part One: Conceptualizing Business A mission statement and a vision statement is an important part of any company; whether they are written or not. This paper will define a company’s mission statement, vision statement, and values that will be building blocks of the foundation and strategic direction in which I see my company accomplishing. The business or industry that I am researching in and wanting to open a business would be in the service industry. The business will focus on help men and women who have committed minor crimes and that have spent time in detention facilities and find it to be challenging to transition back into society. I will be doing business under the name of Applewood Re-integration Services, Incorporated doing business as ARISe.
Mission Statement The company’s mission statement is “the unique purpose that sets a company apart from others of its type and identifies the scope of its operations in, product, market, and technology terms,” (Pearce & Robinson, 2009, p. 25). Our mission with ARISe is to provide the tools for ex-offenders to re-integrate into society with less stress and anxiety and to achieve their optimal potential of skill, knowledge, and self-preservation. The purpose of ARISe is to offer company clients with a one stop shop for everything that he or she would need to transition into society as a functioning and contributing member of society. Our clients are welcome to stay for as long as they need too, to help give them the support that they may need for life’s up’s and down’s. By working closely with parole boards and employers, we offer our clients the ability to provide stability for their well-being and a sense of belonging.

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