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Cultural Barriers


Submitted By cnewell26
Words 369
Pages 2
Using Language Effectively
Christina Newell
Ms. Erin von Buseck COM/200

When using language effectively, it is best to know and to identify the listening barriers you have experienced, and explain their effects, and determine the appropriate listening strategies and responses during verbal communication. A situation from my life when I had trouble hearing is now because I have a mild hearing loss as it is now. The two barriers that were present was close-mindedness, assumptions, and defensiveness. The close-mindedness barrier contributed to my inability to listen effectively because I am stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas and I am intolerable of beliefs and opinions of others. The assumptions are the statements that I have assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can and will be drawn and this gave me the inability to listen effectively because I don't listen to what is being said in the statements or comments. The defensiveness is a primal response to feeling attacked\, misunderstood, threatened, or even disrespected because being able to feel unprotected by others is being defensive and a response to feeling attacked, misunderstood, threatened, or even disrespected causes myself a little discomfort for myself and I am sure others as well. Learning how to cope with these barriers is easy but yet hard to as well because you have to teach yourself all over again. For example: learning how to not make as many assumptions as you have in the past, learning how to less likely close-minded, and learning how to be less defensiveness. In each of the strategies that I have put down each strategy will work on eliminating a particular barrier because each barrier has its own barrier wall by making sure that you can overcome the obstacles that are in the way. Being able to overcome the obstacles of a different strategy and listening technique because not knowing how to identify the barriers is hard. I have become more and more aware of my surroundings in the past few months I still have no idea what is really going on in my head anymore. Although, learning new things and all my classes I am very excited about it finally.

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