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Strategy Statement


Submitted By tingting0122
Words 771
Pages 4
MGMT90146 Strategic Management, Sem.2, 2014

Your Strategy Statement should address:  What is your firm’s intended strategy? o What segments are you aiming to compete in? o On what basis will you compete (i.e. your strategy)? The strategy may be consistent across your chosen segments or it may be customised for each segment. When addressing this question you may use the generic strategy labels. But you may also use other labels or come up with your own labels (e.g. because none of the generic ones do your strategy justice). Alternatively you simply describe what you intend to do. We do not care what label you use but want you to formulate some clear intentions regarding how you are going to compete and then argue your choices. Your description of strategy may include a dynamic element. For instance, if you are choosing to focus, you need not do so immediately. As a result, you might intend to gradually withdraw from certain segments and thus discuss something like your “gradual focus strategy”. You have considerable scope with this exercise. The labels are merely potential tools. Don’t let them drive/limit your own thinking and creativity.     Why do you think this is an effective choice of strategy or strategies? I.e. what is your justification? How will you support the chosen strategy or strategies at a functional level and why? I.e. what will you do in terms of R&D, marketing, production, finance and HRM to execute your chosen strategy or strategies? Nominate your chosen success criteria and their weights. The criteria and weights must also be entered on the Capstone website, along with your decisions for the first competitive round (Week5) -- see instructions below. How do your nominated success criteria relate to your choice of strategy or strategies? I.e. why are they good choices for your chosen

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