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Stress In The Workplace: ABC News Report

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There are many things that contribute to increased stress in the workplace. These stressors include a lack of understanding or weak policies against all forms of violence, lack of prevention education for managers, and slow reactions to threatened or initial violence. Additionally, lack of organizational support systems and neglect in employee training and retention policies contribute to workplace stressors ("7 Factors that Drastically Increase Workplace Violence," 2011). Overall these factors can impact the workplace by reduced productivity, mental and physical health concerns, and eventually employees may even leave the organization.
The speaker in the ABC news report "Resolving Workplace Conflicts" provides suggestions directly to …show more content…
I worked in a branch of a national bank for sixteen years. During that time, often the pressures of hours being cut while workload increasing caused a high level of stress. Towards the end, the team in our branch had worked together as a family for over ten years but eventually members could no longer take the stress and began to leave the company. While I believe my managers did the best they could it would have been beneficial if they kept the communication lines not only open but honest. As the stress levels went up, the honesty levels went down adding to the employees’ stress and conflicts erupted frequently. The pattern was set in what Hocker and Wilmot (2014) describe as the “conflict continues unabated, feeds upon itself, and becomes a spiral of negativity (p.31). Additionally, I think that dealing immediately with the “real issues” and not the presenting issues would have been very helpful. A great deal of time and energy was spent on surface problems and not addressing the underlying issues in our workplace. I must also say that while the associates were stressed daily, the individual branch managers were in the hardest place. They tried to shield us from the inevitability of downsizing and the eventual selloff of thirteen branches. However, the effects showed drastically as I remember in a one year span three of thirteen managers had heart attacks. Workplace stressors that lead to violence are real and have serious and lasting effects on the people involved. By implementing the suggestions given in the news report both individual team members and employers will benefit in the

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