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Study Hall Hours

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Here at Ball State students are offered a plethora of options and opportunities to succeed in their academics. From the writing center, learning center, and office hours, there are multiple ways that a student may succeed here at Ball State. I have been a student athlete now at two different schools and have been here at Ball State for almost a year. I have been mandated to attend study hall hours which are required study hours that are assigned by each student’s academic advisor based on their GPA, or what their coach has recommended. In comparison to my previous school, there a lot more students who are required to complete their study hall hours here at Ball State than at UNCG. Which is why I pose the question, why do student athletes struggle more and what are the factors that influence them? This is why I began to observe these study hall hours to see if I could find any familiar patterns. After a few hours of observing, finding research, interviewing study hall participants, I came to the conclusion that there are many factors that affect student athlete’s academic results and that it starts with the athlete and school culture. …show more content…
While comparing these athlete and regular students, I also found another pattern showing that there are student athletes from specific sports that struggle more than others. Through my observation hours, I noticed that there are a lot more males than females in study hall hours. Which is concerning because the overall school population has more females than males. I also observed that many of these males played football or baseball. The females were either field hockey or gymnastics. In a study conducted the

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