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Study of Tuskegee Research


Submitted By nicoleflowers87
Words 341
Pages 2
Penny Brown
Assignment week 4

1. Describe each of the six steps of the selection process as illustrated in chapter 12.

Background information can be your education and experience, voulunteering, clubs/organizations.

Interviews are questions that the interviewees ask about a person’s skills, abilities, and work ethic. They may ask you to tell them a little information about yourself such as basic background information, age, where you graduated, last job, likes and dislikes about your job, why you leave, or how many years you worked at your last job.

Paper and pencil test can be used to assess job related knowledge and ability or skill qualifications. This can be assessed using paper and pencil test. Paper and pencil gives knowledge of office procedures ability to follow directions, to the ability to solve numerical problems.

A physical Ability test is an important part of getting a job. It matches workers to the physical demands and essential function. Such as lifting strength, rope climbing is requiring for jobs such as firefighters.

Performance test is the ability to do the job. Electronics repairman may undergo a job performance test to ensure he or she can properly repair items for a company. A medical assist may undergo a job performance test to ensure that he or she can set appointments, handle invertory, and even assist the doctor with basic medical needs.

A reference is person who is willing to talk to a potential employer about your job skills, abilities, background, and general character.

2. The source of differences in ethics between people, companies and nations. People have a certain level of responsibility, but companies have more. People have to worry about themselves and their immediate surroundings like close friends and families. When it comes to company they have to worry about being responsible for employees. If

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