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Studying Abroad


Submitted By beg25odst
Words 1249
Pages 5
Topic Area: Education
Title: Does studying abroad provide better opportunities?
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that studying abroad provides better opportunities.
Central Idea/ Thesis Statement: Studying abroad can provide better opportunities because it can yield academic benefits, provide social and cultural benefits and enhance employment opportunities.
Organizational Pattern: Problem-Solution
A. Attention Getter: Have you ever dreams of studying overseas, mix with other people from the other countries from all over the world? I am sure all of you want to study abroad but don’t have that opportunity. Well, what makes a difference between students studying abroad and students studying at local universities? Nowadays, a difference we can see are employment opportunities for student studying abroad is higher compared to employment opportunities for students from local universities.
B. Tie to the audience/reason to listen: Students like us will graduate a few years more, and during that time we will find that it is not easy to seek for a job. Today’s job market for graduating students is extremely competitive. You’re not only competing for jobs with students from your university or your country but you’re competing with students from across the world.
C. Credibility Statement: Once students complete their education abroad, they’ll possibly have very high profiled jobs in well known organizations. Based on a survey conducted in Malaysia involving more than 100,000 members who hold a bachelor’s degree, “graduates from overseas universities earn about 12 percent more than local graduates” (New Sunday Times, 2008). Priority is always given to those students who have internationally recognized degree.
D. Preview of main points/central idea: Studying abroad can

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