Free Essay

Stx Prøve 2009


Submitted By kaae95
Words 689
Pages 3

MAJ 2009

Tirsdag den 12. maj 2009 Kl. 09.00 - 14.00
1. delprøve: Kl. 09.00 - 10.00


Side l af 7 sider

Nedenstående rubrikker udfyldes. Efter prøven afleveres dette hæfte med din besvarelse til en tilsynsførende.

STX091-ENBl Skolens/kursets navn: Elevens/kursistens navn : Klasse/hold: Elevens/kursistens nummer: Elevens/kursistens underskrift: Tilsynsførendes signatur:

Denne delprøve besvares uden brug af hjælpemidler

Besvarelsen afleveres kJ. 10.00

Side 2 al7 sider

Besvar opgaverne i A-D
Ret fejlene i følgende sætninger og forklar på dansk dine rettelser. Der er kun en fejl i hver sætning. Skriv den Iwrrekte sætning på linjen nedenunder.

The apples felt to the ground in the storm. The apples fell to the ground in the storm

Felt er feel i datid, så det er et forkert ord.


There seemed to be a lot ofturmoil, and everybody were screaming.

And everybody was screaming

skal bøjes i 3. person


The police were searching all the guests at the disco for pos session of knifes.

For possession of knives

Knife skal være i fleretal, det skal være knives


Even though it's summer, l'm looking forward to the Christmas!

I'm looking forward to Christmas

man bruger ikke "the" foran Christmas

Side 3 af 7 sider


The furniture in his flat were old and shabby.

The furniture in his flat was old and shabby

furniture er et entals ord


The ch ildrens bicycles were stolen last night.

The children's bicycles were stolen last night



"1 believe in you! l'm confident that you will all do exceptional wel l."

you will all do exceptionally well

det lægger op til et adjektiv


She asked her colleague to borrow her some money for lunch.

she asked har colleague to lent her some money for lunch

Lent bruges fordi hun spørg en hun kender

Side 4 af 7 sider

Indsæt apostrof, hvor det er nødvendigt i følgende tekst:

' Parents: How to Address Your Teenagers Weight
A study from the University of Minnesota has shown that the com mon parental approach to addressing teens weight leaves much to be desired - and thats if they are even aware there is a problem in the first place! An all-too-common approach parents use for their overweight teens tS to sug-

I l

gest they diet. But 5 years later, those kids were far more likely to still be too heavy than were overweight kids whose parents had no ide a they were fat and did nothing. The study found that 46 percent of girls parents and 60 percent of boys parents incorrectly thought their kids weights were about right. c
Nedenstående er et uddrag af en rap-tekst. Gør kort rede for dens karakteristiske stiltræk. Underbyg din besvarelse med citater fra teksten. Skriv dit svar på dansk.
Brothers and sisters, hey Listen ifyou're mi ssin' y'aJl Swingin' while T'm singin' Givin' whatcha gettin' Knowin' what T know While the black band's swcatin' And the rhythm rhymes rollin' Got to give liS what we want Gotta give us what we need Our freedom of speech is freedom or death We got to fight the powers that beo Lemme hear you say - Fight the power! [... l H's a start, a work of art To revolutionize, make a change, nothin's strange People, people we are the same No we're not the same Cos we don't know the game Cos T'm black and 1'm proud l'm ready and hyped plus T'm amped Most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps. [... l
Publie Enemy. " Fight the Power", 1989

Side S af 7 sider

Side Gaf 7 sider

Oversæt følgende sætninger til engelsk.


På vej til Sydney skulle de skifte fly i Heathrow.


Han sad og sov foran fjernsynet, da en stemme pludselig afbrød filmen med en vigtig meddelelse.


Selvom ulvene for mange år siden levede overalt i Sverige, er de nu næsten forsvundet.

Side 7 af 7 sider


"Søde ven, du er helt klart tilgivet for at have glemt min fødselsdag," smilede hun.

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