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Substance Addiction Research Paper

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Substance use disorders leave many lasting effects that touch upon every member of families and society as a whole. It is an ever-growing epidemic that can easily take over a person’s whole life if they let it. Anyone who listens to the news or is aware of his or her surroundings can see that we are engulfed in a drug crisis. This paper will examine how the relationships of friends, family, co-workers and society suffer from exposure to an addict. It will also look at how we as a society can help to foster reform. Addiction touches everybody in some way, shape or form. It affects people physically, psychologically, and financially to name a few. Substance use disorder negatively affects emotional …show more content…
Children of addicted parents suffer because they become undereducated and malnourished due to neglect. They don’t get help with their homework and very rarely get a home cooked meal. Parents who are spending money on drugs and alcohol are selfishly taking food out of their children’s mouths. These children are often exposed to illegal activities and some may even be asked to aid in these activities. Children have an increased risk of developing a substance use disorder themselves (Zimic & Jakic, 2012). Living with someone who is addicted to drugs/alcohol can cause co-dependent relationships. Members in the family all take on certain behaviors that are learned in order to survive the emotional stress and pain of daily life. According to the US Census the number of children being raised by grandparents went from 2.4 million to 4.9 million from 2000-2010 (“10 Percent of Grandparents Live With a Grandchild”, 2014). A parent with substance use disorder is three times more likely to physically or sexually abuse their children. The reality behind this is that these children are more than 50% likely to be arrested as juveniles and 40% more likely to commit a violent crime (USDHHS, 1996). Many children become “parentified”, meaning that they take on the role of caring for themselves and the needs of their younger siblings because that is the only choice for survival. They are missing out on a “normal” childhood. These …show more content…
I used to babysit for two beautiful little girls who had an alcoholic mother. This is what made me want to do research on this subject. Her husband made excuses for her and covered things up all of the time. The girls were often neglected while she sat in the garage drinking and smoking. The older one often had to entertain her younger sister and take care of her because her mother was unable. While I watched this unfold before me, I realized that there were resources available to her. Friends and family tried to intervene on multiple occasions but she wasn’t going to get better until she wanted it for herself. After begging and pleading for her to stop, her husband finally gave in to the stress of it all and took his own life. This happened three years ago and these children will never be the same. The girls are now school aged and the deficits that were formed when they were babies are starting to emerge. Her addictions caused developmental delays and emotional scars that will never heal. However, I have witnessed success stories as well. This is how I know that education and family support are the most valuable tools we have. Sometimes tough love is the only option and the truth is maybe if her husband “forced” her into treatment instead of making excuses there might have been a totally different outcome. I really do believe that if more people would be more understanding instead of judgmental and afraid we

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