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Sugary Drinks Research Paper

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“Is Your Favorite Sugary Drink That Bad?” Do you really know everything about your favorite drink? A 12 ounce can of Coca Cola has 35 grams of sugar ( This fact shows how unhealthy and how dangerous your favorite drinks can be. Sugar in our drinks are destroying our body. Sugar is very unhealthy. Sugar is addictive and we are still drinking it.

Sugar is not healthy. Sugar can lead to obesity, rot your teeth, turn your liver into scar tissue, give you heart diseases, diabetes, and other health problems. Therefore, this shows you how many different health conditions sugar can lead you to and how bad sugar is. In addition to how unhealthy sugar is, experts on sugar are very scared of what the world holds for sugar. Robert Lusting, a master mind on how sugar affects the body and is a pediatrician, says sugar is “poison”. This shows that someone who is an expert on sugar is scared of it because of his research and what he has found. Also, sugar is a very dangerous substance. …show more content…
Sugar is addictive and we are still drinking it. Research shows that sugar is even more addictive than other drugs like cocaine. Obviously, we are not taking sugar seriously since it is in almost everything and it is more addictive than cocaine. To mention that, almost everything has sugar especially sugary drinks like soda. Sugary drinks may have too much of sugar leading to health problems. The American Heart Association recommends only four to nine teaspoons of sugar a day depending on the weight and height of the person. A 12 ounce can of pop has an earth shattering 8 teaspoons! This shows that even one can of your favorite drink may make you already be done eating sugar for a day unless you want to drink and eat an unhealthy amount of sugar. Also, this shows why so many people are overweight. To wrap up, we know about the bad effects sugar has and we are still drinking

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