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Suicide In Thirteen Reasons Why

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One current method that addresses the problem of the dramatically increasing adolescent suicide rates, is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which is a way of providing emotional support for teenagers and all people. This lifeline is a phone number one can call or an online chat one can engage in, in to order to get emotional support, have someone hear their story, and teach the help-seeker about the resources where he or she can get help. The conversations are entirely confidential, but if one is actively suicidal or trying to hurt himself or herself, the police may be called for their safety. This is an very beneficial form of support because at your most discouraged and disheartened times, it can be hard to reach out to people very …show more content…
Thirteen Reasons Why is a series about a high school girl, named Hannah Baker, who committed suicide and left thirteen tapes for thirteen people that caused her to commit suicide. We learn about what is on the tapes through Clay Jensen, a shy, sweet classmate of Hannah’s, who is forced to listen to the tapes. The executive producers, and the actors and actresses have been working hard to produce a television show that sparks conversation regarding suicide and portray that suicide is never an option. This drama series, debuted on Netflix's, was a very ineffective approach because it glorified suicide and possibly encouraged others to commit suicide. Dr.Schwartz, the medical director of the JED Foundation, commented that Thirteen Reasons Why is “an extended revenge fantasy,” and that it is very selfish of Hannah Baker to leave thirteens tapes and force the thirteen people to live with the guilt and burden. Other mental health professionals have said that this series is too romanticized and can make teenagers think that suicide is an easy way out. Even though others beg to differ and feel they have benefited from this series, the loaded imagery and how the guidance counselor at Hannah’s school did not help her, is harmful to suicidal teenagers and can make them not want to confide in guidance counselors at their schools. This series allegedly …show more content…
This due to an increase in suicides, divorced families, and untreated depressions. Some of the current methods implemented to reduce suicides have not been effective, considering adolescent suicide rates are still increasing and no decline has been seen. One of the methods to fix this problem would be fully condemning suicide, through not mentioning it often. Another method would be to mandate an educational program on suicide and healthy relationships, to all middle and high schools, at least once a year. By taking a closer look at adolescent suicides, we can see that the contagion effect, the media, the news, and the environment or family a youth grew up in, strongly impact an adolescent's mental state and whether or not he or she has suicidal tendencies. The social and health problem of adolescent suicide is preventable, and can done so by implementing my two methods, and keeping the current methods that are effective solutions. My methods and the current effective methods in reducing suicides all have taken into consideration what influence an adolescent’s state-of-mind and have been using it effectively to address the problem at

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