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Summary: Are Asian Americans Becoming White

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I was born in Panjab which is in South Asia. My homeland Panjab, is a post-colonial society where 70 years after the Europeans colonized Panjab, the Indian government took power, oppressed minorities, and continue to do so. With the constant persecution and threat to live in Panjab, my family immigrated to Detroit, Michigan in 2001. The choice to move to the United States of America was because of safety and hopes to reap the benefits of the American Dream. An article called “Are Asian Americans Becoming White?”, by Min Zhou explains that “Like most immigrants to the United States, Asian immigrants tend to believe in the American Dream and measure their achievements materially” (Andersen and Collins, 2016; pg.92). My family was the same and …show more content…
When we got to Detroit, my uncle owned a store which my mom and dad were employed at. My father would work constant nights struggling to give a stable life for my family. With that struggle came harsh words, police and society’s harassment, and attempt to murder. One day when my father was working, a group of people came to rob the store whilst yelling things like “You bloody terrorist Osama looking f*ck, go back to your country.” They shot my father past his heart and were allowed to get away with attempt to murder of my dad, for the reasons of “us people” being represented in American society as negative stereotypes. That is my understanding of the USA, a society that would never accept me or my family. I am known as a forever foreigner no matter how much I assimilated, “a process by which members of an ethnic minority …show more content…
Statements such as oh are you going to be a doctor, engineer, lawyer, you must be good at math, you’re so obedient, docile, submissive, and never in need of assistance are common. With those words, I even tried to gain some type of degree in the medical field in college in hopes that oh maybe I will fit everyone’s expectations of me. This represents me as the model minority, which in the 1960s two articles “Both articles congratulated Japanese and Chinese Americans on their persistence in overcoming extreme hardships and discrimination to achieve success, unmatched even by U.S.- born whites, with their own almost totally unaided effort, and no help from anyone else.” (Andersen and Collins, 2016; pg. 90). Many people also believed that being a model minority means a good stereotype however I think no stereotype is good because at the heart stereotypes dehumanize and make people fit into a one dimension representation of themselves. Same with the model minority where “one consequence of the model minority stereotype is that it reinforces the myth that the United States is devoid of racism and accords equal opportunity to all, fostering the view that those who lag behind do so because of their own poor choices and inferior culture” (Andersen and Collins, 2016; pg. 91). The illusion of freedom that the model minority gives is the very reason for its

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