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Summary: Decisive Battles At World War II

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Decisive Battles at Sea of World War II What had decided the fate of Japan in the World War II besides the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? You could say the Pacific War was the turning point. This theater was an exceptionally important war zone during WWII. If the US didn’t take advantages in the Pacific, the world we knew today would be completely different by the outcomes of the war. As the Japanese lost the Pacific Wars, the situation of the Pacific Ocean had turned to the side of United States and the Allies. United States overpowered Japan in WWII due to some careless flaws and of the Japanese invasion plan, the decryption of Japanese telegram codes, the fast reinforcement pace on damaged ships, and the diversion of …show more content…
As the codes were decrypted, the message gave the order for the Japanese Fleets to attack “Objective AF”. The telex station of Pearl Harbor struggled to locate Objective AF, and arguments had been going on whether Objective AF was Midway, Fiji or Samoa. At the end, US came up with an idea to testify the truth. They sent out a public telegram, claim-ing Midway’s desalination devices were malfunction. Two days later, another message from Japanese was intercepted, the message also claimed Objective AF was having a shortage on food and water. This gradually confirmed the fact that Objective AF was Midway Island. Commander Chester Nimitz soon laid out a defensive plan preparing for the upcoming …show more content…
However, meanwhile down at Pearl Harbor, USS Yorktown’s maintenance work was worked hard to meet a deadline. Under the supervising of US Navy Commander Chester W. Nimitz, this aircraft carrier would return to the ocean in just half of a month. Nimitz ordered to ignore most of the safety processes to save up some time, and set up projection lamps around the dock for the labors to work all day long. The flow in electricity even reached the limit of Honolulu, and the quota of electricity for civilian was temporarily switched to the dock for the restoring work. In just 3 days, USS Yorktown had left the harbor and onto its way to the battle. As the result, Japan didn't see this extra “surprise” joining the US Navy forces. Along with another carrier, USS Bumblebee, their bomber fleets destroyed an aircraft car-rier of Japan’s. However, shortly after Japan discovered the extraneous aircraft carrier, they soon sent a bomber squad, trying to blast the ship. Three bombs that weighted up to 250 kg struck the ship. It seemed inevitable that she was going to sink, but Japanese Commander Isoroku thought USS Yorktown was no longer a threat to his fleet. He ordered his cruises and aero planes to raid the undamaged and intact

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