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Summary: Negative Effects Of Multiple Sclerosis

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Negative Effects of Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, typically progressive disease involving damage of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Multiple Sclerosis negatively affects the body in different ways and can completely change a person’s life. This disease can dramatically affect you and your loved ones. Multiple Sclerosis is an incurable and usually intermittent disease of the central nervous system that interrupts the flow of information within the brain and the body. Multiple Sclerosis occurs when the myelin that surrounds neurons in the brain and spinal cord are destroyed. Doctors, Pharmacists and scientists are currently researching why the myelin is destroyed but some think that a slow-acting virus may be responsible for this disease. …show more content…
The progress of Multiple Sclerosis seems to depend on the appearance of new plaques, this is the cause for the nerve messages to slow down and worsen the symptoms. The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis worsens and/or changes throughout different people because plaques form in different areas for different individuals. Women are 3 times more likely to get Multiple Sclerosis than men (“Improved Outlook for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis” 1). A woman's life with this disease may be shortened by 6 years and men about 11 years because men are less likely to get this disease. 60% of people experience their first symptoms between the ages of twenty and forty (“Multiple Sclerosis” 2). Most people with this disease can continue walking and functioning at home and outside of their home for many years, but the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis will continue to make it harder for them to function throughout the years after your diagnosis. After you get diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis the disease becomes front and center, you lose simple ability’s like driving to the store, carrying a basket up the stairs on your own and even taking care of your children. Every week around 200 people are

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