...MGMT1001: Everest Report Andrew Lau A critical and reflective self-evaluation of my experiences during the Everest team simulation in the contexts of ‘attitudes, personalities & perceptions’, ‘power & conflict’ and ‘groups & teams’. Executive Summary The Everest simulation is a team simulation designed to emulate real life group processes and the diverse range of intergroup interactions this entails. Developed by Harvard Business School, participants are grouped into teams of 5 (with an optional sixth member, the observer) that make a virtual climb up Mount Everest. Performance is assessed through both individual and team goals that are provided throughout the simulation. Members were allocated into groups randomly within tutorial groups and assigned roles within the simulation. I was assigned the role of environmentalist, but assumed the informal role as one of the team’s leaders. Our group as a whole managed to achieve a satisfactory 67% of team goals, and I managed to achieve 57% of my individual goals. The objective of this report is to critically analyse and reflect upon the intergroup interactions that lead to the successes and failings of our team. These successes and failings will be viewed through the lens of the theories and concepts developed in the course in order to gain insight into group processes and human behaviour. The report starts with analysing and breaking down human cognitive processes and social interactions through the tripartite...
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...PARENTS’ SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS AND STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. CHAPTER ONE Background to the Study It is an undebatable fact that the home is the fulcrum around which the early years of a child revolves. The central figures are the parents. While child-bearing and child-rearing cannot be divorced one from the other, the type of child-rearing practiced in a family has a tremendous impact on the entire life of the child including his or her academic life. Generally, the social climate or environment in which an individual finds him or her self to a large extent determines his or her behaviour and personality development. Consequently, parental guidance and discipline usually influence the behaviour of the children and at the apex of this parental influence is the mother. According to Olayinka and Omoegun (2001), the word "family" has its origin in the Latin word which could be translated to mean "domestic group". A domestic group is a group of people who habitually share a common dwelling and common food supply. According to Murdoch (1965) family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic, cooperation and reproduction; it includes adults of both sexes, at least two of who maintains a socially approved sexual relationship and one more children, own or adopted by the sexually cohabiting adult. The family provides for the physical maintenance of the child, offers him his first and most continuing social contracts, and gives him affection and other emotional...
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...Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management SYLLABUS and ASSIGNMENTS International Business Strategy INTL 460 SECTIONS 61 and 81 Fall 2008 Professor Daniel F. Spulber Office 606 Leverone 491-8675 E-mail: jems@kellogg.northwestern.edu International Business Strategy Course Description The course defines the objectives and strategies of international business. The course emphasizes economic analysis of international business strategy formulation. Topics covered include gains from trade, costs of trade, and the competitive strategy of the international business. The course considers alternative modes of market entry, including import and export through intermediaries, contracting with suppliers and distributors, strategic alliances and foreign direct investment (FDI). Case studies are used to illustrate the basic principles of multinational business management and strategy. The course introduces the “Strategy Star” analysis. The first week of the course is dedicated to introducing international business strategy and providing a review of the micro-economics concepts that will be employed during the course. The course then introduces the concept of the ‘Global Value Connection.” This concept is used to develop global competitive strategies that depend on doing business between countries. Weeks 2 and 3 present strategies for providing global added value. The course highlights the economic aspects of gains and costs of trade that are relevant...
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...Chapter IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the data gathered with the use of self-formulated questionnaire from the pupils of San Isidro Elementary School and Olongtao Ibaba Elementary School. Data are presented in a tabular form for immediate analysis and interpretation. Table A: Distribution of Respondents as to Gender; Grade level and section (San Isidro Elementary School) Gender Grade level and Section Total one two three Four five six 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Male Count 8 8 6 6 8 7 5 8 8 6 8 7 4 6 7 7 6 6 121 % 3.31 3.31 2.48 2.48 3.31 2.89 2.07 3.31 3.31 2.48 3.31 2.89 1.65 2.48 2.89 2.89 2.48 2.48 50 Female Count 8 7 6 8 6 5 11 7 7 9 2 5 10 8 4 3 7 8 121 % 3.31 2.89 2.48 3.31 2.48 2.07 4.55 2.89 2.89 3.72 0.83 2.07 4.13 3.31 1.65 0.12 2.89 3.31 50 Total Count 16 15 12 14 14 12 16 15 15 15 10 12 14 14 11 10 13 14 242 % 6.61 6.20 4.96 5.79 5.79 4.96 6.61 6.20 6.20 6.20 4.13 4.96 5.79 5.79 4.55 4.13 5.37 5.79 100 Table 1a shows that 121 (50%) male and 121 (50%) female pupils constitute the total of 242 (100%) respondents from San Isidro Elementary School. It is composed of 43 grade one pupils wherein 16 (6.61%) were from section 1, 15 (6.20%) from section 2 and 12 from section 3 (4.96%); 40 grade two pupils wherein 14 (5.79%) from section 1, 14 (5.79%)from section 2 and 12 (4.96%) from section 3; 46 grade three pupils wherein 16 (6.61%) from section 1, 15 (6.20%) from section 2 and 15 (6.20)...
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...Cover Sheet Title The Effectiveness of Parental Involvement for Improving the Academic Performance of Elementary School Children Reviewers Chad Nye, PhD Jamie Schwartz, PhD Herb Turner, PhD Contact reviewer Chad Nye UCF Center for Autism & Related Disabilities 12001 Science Drive, Suite 145 Orlando, FL 32826 Phone : 407-737-2566 FAX : 407-737-2571 email : cnye@mail.ucf.edu 1 1.0 BACKGROUND The role of parents has long been thought to be centrally important to the academic achievement of their children. However, this role had neither been analyzed nor systematically studied using an experimental design until the 1960’s. The evaluation of the Head Start Program in the United States (Coleman, Campbell, Hobson, McPartland, Mod, Weinfeld, & York, 1966) fostered a national focus on outcomes related to parental involvement by suggesting a substantial relationship between parental involvement in their child’s education and their child’s success in academic domains. Subsequent studies have been presented which support the findings from Coleman, et al. (Duff & Adams, 1981; Henderson, 1987; 1988). Even so, other studies have reported either mixed or no significant differences between experimental and control groups when measuring the effect of parental involvement on student achievement (Griffith, 1996; Heller, & Fantuzzo, 1993; Henry, 1974; Keith, Reimers, Ferman, Pottenbaum, & Aubrey ,1986; Ryan, 1964; Searles, Lewis & Morrow, 1982). Some of the discrepancy across studies...
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...Working report on “IPO consent and listing procedure in Bangladesh”, Capital Market, Finance Division, Grameenphone, Ltd. Prepared by: Md. Asad-uz-zaman Id# 0410094 An Internship Report Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Independent University, Bangladesh April 30, 2009 1 A WORKING REPORT ON THE CAPITAL MARKET, FINANCE DIVISION OF GRAMEENPHONE 2 Working report on “IPO consent and listing procedure in Bangladesh”, Capital Market, Finance Division, Grameenphone, Ltd. Prepared by: Md. Asad-uz-zaman Id# 0410094 Approved By: Rushdi Md Rezaur Razzaque Lecturer School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh 3 Letter of Transmittal Date: April 30, 2009 Rushdi Md Rezaur Razzaque Lecturer School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh Dear Sir, I have prepared my internship working report on “IPO consent and listing procedure in Bangladesh”, based on working experience of Capital Market division, Finance Department, Grameenphone Ltd, which I am submitting along with this letter. It was an energizing experience throughout the semester and preparing this report further enhanced my insight about how corporate level activities are being done and experience the real life situations which I have learnt throughout my internship (BBA-499A) in Grameenphone Ltd. This report will also reflect my working experience as an intern in Finance Division. As you will note...
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...February, 2010 Accepted by the Faculty of the Graduate College, The University of Vermont, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education specializing in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. Dissertation Examination Committee: Advisor Sean M. Hurley, Ph.D. ~'W 11 Uo,~~, Patricia A. Stokowski, Ph.D. Chairperson Patricia A. Stokowski, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Graduate College Date: November 30, 2009 ABSTRACT The thesis addresses the relationship of class size to student performance in a rural state. It presents findings from a longitudinal study of a cohort of students who were tested with state assessments at grade 4 in 2000, again at grade 8 in 2004 and, finally at grade 10 in 2006. Graduation rates for five large-class sized schools and five small-class sized school populations were established in 2008. All scores (n=1137) were matched across time enabling students from similar socioeconomic backgrounds from schools that were considered small (average class size, n=11) to schools that were large (average, n= 20). The paper’s focus is on the extent that students from schools that maintained large and small classes differed in selected opportunities to learn and educational outcomes. The approach to the study utilized both large scale state databases for student backgrounds and outcomes and interviews with school personnel in order to identify school policy and practices that might be linked to performance differences...
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...1 The Foundations of International Society 2013-2014 Part I: Politics 2 (International Relations I) Paper organiser: Professor Christopher Hill (POLIS): Room 105, Alison Richard Building Email: cjh68@cam.ac.uk Lecturers: Professor Hill (CH), Dr Elisabetta Brighi (EB), Dr Aaron Rapport (AR) and Dr Stefano Recchia (SR). Aims and Objectives The course aims to introduce students to the subject of International Relations (IR), whose main focus is the nature of politics at the international level. Students will acquire the empirical and conceptual foundations needed to understand a world political system which cannot be accurately described as either pure anarchy or a coherent form of ‘global governance’. The starting point is the notion of ‘international society’, which refers to the set of institutions and common procedures generated by states over the last three and a half centuries in their attempts to achieve some minimal form of co-existence, but which has gradually evolved to include many non-state actors and different levels of activity – diplomatic, economic and cultural, as well as that of military competition. By the end of the course you should be able to have an informed discussion about: the historical origins of the present system; what is distinctive about international politics as opposed to politics inside the state; and the main challenges which confront humanity in the twenty-first century. You will also acquire a basic familiarity with the main theories needed...
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...REGIONALISM IN AFRICA : A PART OF PROBLEM OR A PART OF SOLUTION Margaret LEE AAPS INTRODUCTION Regionalism, as defined in this paper, encompasses efforts by a group of nations to enhance their economic, political, social, or cultural interaction. Such efforts can take on different forms, including regional cooperation, market integration, development integration, and regional integration. African leaders have long envisaged regionalism as a viable strategy to pursue with a view to uniting the continent both politically and economically. While regionalism in Africa has taken on different forms to accommodate the changing national, regional, and international environment, all organizations that aim to integrate regional economies in Africa have adopted market integration as a component of their strategy, with a view to increasing intra-regional trade. Market integration is the linear progression of degrees of integration beginning with a free trade area (or in some cases a preferential trade area) and ending with total economic integration. The model for such integration is the European Union (EU). Notwithstanding the fact that market integration has failed miserably on the continent,1 it continues to be highly regarded by most African leaders as a solution to Africa’ growing marginalization within the world economy. The creation of NAFTA s (North American Free Trade Agreement) and the movement toward EU monetary integration, only served to reinforce the commitment African...
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...The London School of Economics and Political Science THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE DEMOCRATISATION OF GLOBAL GOVERNANCE INSTITUTIONS: From ‘Soft Power’ to Collective Decision-Making? Saif Al-Islam Alqadhafi A thesis submitted to the Department of Philosophy of the London School of Economics for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, London, September 2007 Declaration I certify that the thesis I have presented for examination for the MPhil/PhD degree of the London School of Economics and Political Science is solely my own work other than where I have clearly indicated that it is the work of others (in which case the extent of any work carried out jointly by me and any other person is clearly identified in it). The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. Quotation from it is permitted, provided that full acknowledgement is made. This thesis may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of the author. I warrant that this authorisation does not, to the best of my belief, infringe the rights of any third party. 2 Abstract This dissertation analyses the problem of how to create more just and democratic global governing institutions, exploring the approach of a more formal system of collective decision-making by the three main actors in global society: governments, civil society and the business sector. The thesis seeks to make a contribution by presenting for discussion an addition to the system of international governance that is morally...
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...teachers. For whom? NoW is open to all who want to learn Norwegian. The course is also specially designed for foreign students studying at NTNU. The latter can get a wider range of services with classroom instruction. As a student at NTNU, you can apply for admission to the classroom courses and access to exams. NTNU offers Norwegian language courses at several levels, from entry to advanced level. Some beginner courses are offered in conjunction with NoW, others use different teaching aids. Read more on http://www.ntnu.edu/norwegiancourse Where? You will find Norwegian on the Web at http://www.ntnu.edu/now/intro What will you learn? Part 1 (chapter 1-6) leads to knowledge equivalent to level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR)1. Part 2 (chapter 7-10) leads to skills at level A2. After completing the A1 level the students should understand and be able to use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. The students should be able to introduce themselves and others and to ask and reply to questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have. The learners are supposed to be able to interact in a simple way provided people talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help. After completing the A2 level the...
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...“spoofing”angrep, ikke-universalitet og interoperabilitetsproblemer. Forskningen har vist hvor lett det er å lure biomtriske systemer ved bruk av for eksempel statiske foto. Denne rapporten går ett skritt videre og tar en nærmere titt på fiender og deres ressurser i et grensekontrollmiljø. Den tradisjonelle måten å beregne feilakseptraten til biometriske systemer på, vil ikke gjenspeile den virkelige feilakseptraten i dette miljøet. For eksempel, vil andelen av fiendene som har minst tyve ”look-alikes” i målpopulasjonen sett fra et biometrisk system’s perspektiv være en bedre indikator for den virkelige feilakseptraten. En sikkerhetsprogram som involverer mennesker, teknologi og prosedyrer kan kompensere for begrensninger i biometriske systemer. De nye biometriske passene vil representere en ny “fartsdemper” for små svindlere. Smarte bedragere med en stor internasjonal netverk og masse ressurser vil bli stoppet av denne “fartsdemperen” bare for en begrenset...
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...Table of contents Part I 2 Introduction 2 I.I Background 2 I.II The founder of this idea 4 I.III Purpose of the project 5 I.IV Problem formulation 6 I.V Demarcations 7 I.VI Methodology 7 I.VII Definitions 12 Part II. 14 Analysis of external stakeholders 14 II.I Background 14 II.II Identification of all relevant stakeholders 16 II.II a Educational institutions teaching foreign students 16 I.II b Foreign potential students abroad, considering to enlist for study in Denmark 18 II.II c Foreign students in Denmark, already enlisted for a study in Denmark 21 II.II d Governmental bodies and institutions 22 II.II e Competitors 23 Conclusion to external stakeholders’ analysis 24 Part III 25 Business model 25 Conclusion 26 Part IV 27 Targeting, penetration and expansion 27 Part V 29 Design specification 29 V.I Development strategy 29 V.III. Design and content 30 V.IV. Technology 32 Conclusion 33 Budget 35 Potential upsides 37 Risks 37 Part VII 39 Advantages, disadvantages, challenges 39 Part IX 42 Conclusion 42 Bibliography 44 Part I Introduction I.I Background During the last years the situation at the Danish educational market has changed. Some of the educational institutions have experienced the growth in the quantity of foreigners having a wish to study in Denmark. Students coming from different parts of the world have become a significant...
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...Theory and Practice Brian J. Hurn and Barry Tomalin Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to Griffith University - PalgraveConnect - 2014-04-12 10.1057/9780230391147 - Cross-Cultural Communication, Brian J. Hurn and Barry Tomalin © Brian J. Hurn and Barry Tomalin 2013 Foreword © Jack Spence 2013 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Any...
Words: 129836 - Pages: 520
...SELF-CONTROL, FINANCIAL LITERACY, AND THE FINANCIAL BEHAVIORS OF YOUNG ADULTS Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Jodi C. Letkiewicz, B.S., M.S. Graduate Program in Human Ecology ******* The Ohio State University 2012 Dissertation Committee: Dr. Jonathan Fox, Advisor Dr. Catherine P. Montalto Dr. Robert Scharff Dr. Caezilia Loibl Copyright by Jodi C. Letkiewicz 2012 ii ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to determine whether financial literacy can moderate the effects that self-control has on financial outcomes. Financial literacy is an oft cited solution to the myriad financial complexities faced by consumers. If financial literacy is effective it should help consumers overcome issues of self-control to encourage more fiscally responsible behaviors. Both economic and psychological theories of self-control are explored, and a conceptual model using the Big Five personality trait of conscientiousness as a measure of self-control is utilized. Data for this study come from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). Asset data in the study was collected in Rounds 9-13 when the respondents were 25 years old. The measure of conscientiousness was collected in Round 13 as part of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory...
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