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Summary Of Context Sentence: Enrique

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Context Sentence: People in Veracruz, Mexico are explaining why they feel the need to help immigrants who pass through their state.
POINT OF VIEW Analysis: The point that Mexicans should not send Central Americans back to their home country if they themselves “don’t want to be stopped from going into the United States..” addresses the hypocrisy of Mexican citizens and officials who try in vain to prevent Central Americans from venturing onto their lands. Immigration is a major issue, and like Americans, Native-born Mexicans feel that immigrants (Central Americans) are using up their resources, and bringing crime into their country. The reader can see that as much as the Mexican government wants to stop immigration, nothing will change until they regulate how many of their own people are illegally traveling to other places. This is significant because Enrique is one of the many immigrants who are treated cruelly and repeatedly deported back to Central America after trying to cross through Mexico.
Context Sentence: Enrique is on his way to meet his mom (Lourdes) for the first time in over 10 years. While traveling, he takes in the scenery that passes before he reaches his destination …show more content…
rolls of hay” leading to a “short gravel street..” and a beige trailer “built in the 1950s” highlights all of the aspects that Enrique absorbed on the way to meet his mother at the same time that it delineates how important the event in question is to him. The reader can see that Enrique does not want to miss a single detail. He is trying to take in as much as possible since he has been dreaming of this day for over ten years. Enrique’s fascination with his surroundings lets the reader know that his first impression of “the land of opportunity” lives up to all that he has imagined. This is significant because the entire story, including all of Enrique’s hardships and endeavors, has led to this one

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